Now... Try this My way

Chapter 4

"I cannot believe him! Who the hell does he think he is?" I was freaking right now. And like always, I was venting on my twin brother, and he was pretending to listen to me.

"This might be a wild guess here sis.. but I would say he probably thinks he's himself. You are overreacting Zan, the guy was just trying to be friendly" Anele sounded so genuinely bored that I couldn't even find the urge to continue bickering.

"Yeah, maybe I am just... overreacting"

Anele just gave a smug grin and small nudge on the shoulder to go with it. I pushed him back and gave him a playful warning look.

"Race you to the door..." The over competitive twin said to me.

"It's on bub!" I replied with a matching competitive attitude.

We had just left Peyton's house and we're crossing the street to get to our house, which was just opposite his house.

We started running and pushing each other away from the path.
I was laughing so much that I think the neighbours a few blocks way could hear me in surround sound.

But Anele also contributed in the loud laughter. I got first to the gate but he overtook me as we reached the door. Damn him! I was so close. But then again, I never win in running races.

"I won! I won! I W-O-N! And you lost! You lost! L-O-S-T" Anele was doing that annoying victory dance he had learned from watching too much SCRUBS

"Shut up Anele! I don't know how but you cheated!" I said laughing. Even though his dance was annoying, it was so funny.

We entered the door to our new house. Like every English house I have seen, it was not really spacious. It was quite a tiny house really compared to the house I used to live in. But this one was more sophisticated and some how more homey then my home in Melmoth, South Africa.

"Mom, we're home!" Anele shouted. The boy had lungs man!!

We entered the box crowded living room, dodging the box's and objects that were still lying around waiting to be put into their new places

"Yeah and we got the number for the movers" I added. I had no idea where my mom was but since the house was so small, she could hear us from anywhere.

Then my mother appeared from the dining room, which was in the next door from the living room. She was wearing her working outfit, which was very old fashioned jeans and a baggy colourful t-shirt.
She was as tall as I was which meant that Anele and Jon all towered us both.

Jon was also in the dining room, clearing things away and decorating with the pictures and vases he found in the boxes. He looked up and smiled at us when we walked in.

"Hey you two. Come help us with this now while I call this idiots and then order us some pizza" Well that sounded reasonable to me, as long as she didn't order pineapple on the pizza. I mean come on, there's a place for sweet fruit and a meaty pizza isn't one of those places

"No pine-"

"Apple on the pizza, yes I know Zee-zee" She interrupted sweetly, using my pet name and shaking her black haired head slowly.

We (mom, Jon, Anele and me) spent the whole day storing things away and cleaning up the mess that moving always results in and the enjoyed a nice pizza for dinner.

After the long and almost blurry day ws coming to an end, I said goodnight and went up to my room to just chillax, and listen to my ipod, which was the only source of music I had since the movers hadn't dropped my music system off here.

When I had changed into my PJs and fixed my hair for bed, I slipped undercovers and turned on my Ipod, I chose my bedtime playlist which consisted mostly of R'n'B (like Alicia keys, Keysia Coles and so on.., also some slow Pop like Avril lavigne, Kerli, Taylor Swift.

I reviewed my day while listening to 'Walking on air' by Kerli, and the first thing that sprang to mind was a blond cute face that I wished I had never seen now.

But still I wondered why was I so ticked off anyway? I mean, I have met worse pervs than that Peyton jerk but still none ticked me off by just... Just what again? I seriously have forgotten.

There was just something about that guy that set off my defence systems and put me on red alert.
My intuition was warning me about him, I just didn't know why. I tried to forget about him and these crazy notions that kept creeping into my mind.

That was when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I knew who it was... My insane twin here to give me some thoughts to haunt my dreams.

"Doors open.."

The door creaked as it opened slightly, then Anele's head peeped into my vision

"Hey baby sis. Mind me coming in?"

"No probz...." I sat up straight now as he moved to sit on the edge of my bed

"So... What do you think so far?" He asked almost nervously, I then realised that mom and Jon had asked him to question me about how I was feeling

"It's boring, uneventful and totally awful" I said bluntly, wanting to see his reaction

His cute face sadden a bit and he let out a sigh

"Sis, I really don't want you to be sad. I really don't wanna be here if you don't"

Yeah that was my twin. Always putting me first just because I came into the world last? Come on...

"Awww! Now you're guilting me into this. I just mean that I don't like it here, not that I want to move. I thought about what you said and maybe I should give it a chance" I said, trying to release him from his pain.

I knew that he really liked this place. I'm not sure why, but he just did. So I was gonna sacrifice my self for once and make my bro happy

"Really?" He looked at me with his brown eyes almost popping out hopefully

I let out an uncontrollable little laugh and nodded my response
Then I was given a surprise big hug that took my breath away (literally)

"Girl being squashed here. Gotta breathe to stay alive..." Then I was let go.

"You are the best Zanny! I love you sis!" he said as he kissed my forehead quickly and then stood up to leave my room

"Oh, and by the way.., Don't you think Peyton is gonna be a great friend?" He had a wicked smile on his fce but I was totally puzzled about why

"Not at all. My choice of friends have to be nice and in conceited. And he doesn't fit the category whatsover" I said quite frankly and sternly

My brother let out a laugh. What was that about?

"Wow.., well I like him. He seems really cool."

"Well I hate him..." I then considered my choice of words and the changed them, saying
"No, no, i actually don't hate him. I just strongly despise him!"

Anele just burst out laughing. I gave him a questioning glare, which he responded to with just a shake of his head.

"Good night sis!" He said, closing the door behind him.
♠ ♠ ♠
ALRTY!! Hope you're not asleep. I know it was boring. I just try to be really descriptive so this story might just be long.

Hope you liked!
