Now... Try this My way

Chapter 5

Days passed so slowly. I hated the Christmas holidays so much, all that was on TV was cheesy Christmas movies and those stupid reality shows that talked about how to make the festive season more 'festive'
Well, that was a brainer before... Not!

I flipped through the channels lazily, hoping to find something that was at least, oh I don't know, maybe exciting or interesting !

Man, I really didn't want to be here at home on a Friday. Luckily, I had 'plans' tonight. Okay, crazily enough, I wasn't really as excited as I should have been. I just desperately needed to get out of this house.

I was home alone because Corey had to go to work. What a workaholic that guy was. He just drowned all his problems in work and trust me, he had loads of problems. But then again, everyone in my messed up family was demented and in need of some help but none of us were gonna admit that... Ever.

There was no need on dwelling on the bad though, I had a party to go to in no time and so I didn't need my mellow harshed by unnecessary thoughts. And talking about unnecessary thoughts

I hadn't seen my new neighbours in 2 whole days, and weirdly enough I was kinda always anxiously hoping to see them. Especially my new hater, the quiet, mean and hot Zany! Man, that girl seemed to just hate me instantly. What the hell had I done? I was even being nice, which only happened once in a while. But hey, if she wants to play it like that, let the games begin...

I gave up on the entire SKY TV Network. Absolutely nothing worth watching was on, except Disney, I didn't like the shows on there but it held so much appeal right now that I just left it there and watched a show about kids who were wizards or something like that.

Then I got a text on my phone. It was tucked into the side of the couch so it took a while to find it.
It was my mate Kyle:

-Peyton, my man! u are gonna be at Kiely's partyyyy or what?? !!
It's gonna be fcking gr8 man!
later m8!"-

I smiled at this fool. Number1: he was gonna get so pissed that he wouldn't even remember if it was great or crap and number 2: the only reason he wanted to go to this party was to hit more on Kiely North's friend Natalie Bolton

My boy was now so deep in this 'love' crap that I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. The only reason he hadn't asked the girl out is because she has an 'on and off' boyfriend, that she claims to love so much that even though he always hits on anything that wears a skirt and has cheating on her several times.

Really, sometimes the female specie can be dumb and ignorant! I mean come on, she's 16 years old. She can't honestly believe that she will marry this gut. So why the hell keep up with the crap?

Oh well, that's not my fight! Kyle is the poor sod who has to deal with all that. I also have my own female related problems starring the new kid on the block, Zany.

Two days straight she has haunted my thoughts. I tried to avoid that light brown soft porcelain-skin beautiful face from entering my face but man it was damn hard! Even when I was just trying to do the most simple things like eat, she seemed to enter my mind with that 'I know it all' look on her pretty face.

You do not even wanna know what she looks like in my crazy dreams. Whoa! Talk about playboy magazine material.
Yeah, as much as I hated to admit it, I had issues with that girl. Who fantasizes about a person they only met once and even then that person was as bitchy as hell?

I had to get her out of my system. But most importantly, I had to see her! This year was my year and I would get whatever I wanted. And no dur! I wanted this girl. Getting all I want this, I had to remind myself of that at all times. That was my new year's resolution and I most definitely was gonna keep it!

But how?

Then I remembered something that my good new friend Anele had told me about his hottie of a sister.

Yes, it was just the edge I needed...

Let the games begin
♠ ♠ ♠
What the hell is this boy up to?
Well, see how scheming this boy can be. Stay tuned please...
