‹ Prequel: It's A Long Story...
Status: Writing like a maniac, but I'm banned from posting. By the time I can post again, I'll be finished writing this story. Don't worry, it'll be worth it. ;)

The Way I Loved You

Twisted Symphony

I rolled my eyes as I scanned over the webpage. “This is ridiculous. Only like, half of this stuff is true.”

Joe smirked. “Which half?”

Joe and I were currently sitting on his couch, reading the latest gossip about me.

A lot has happened in the past two months. I’ve become friends with this girl named Zoey Rogers. Honestly, she wasn’t that great. In fact, she kind of annoyed me. But she knew how to have a good time, and that’s exactly what I needed. At first, we’d just go and hang out at night clubs. But then it quickly escalated to us drinking up a storm, and dancing on tables. Almost every night since then, we’ve gotten totally wasted.

Joe was really concerned about my ‘rebellious behavior’ as he called it. So he started coming to pick me up every night, as soon as I loose all my common sense. That usually happened after about five drinks.

Nick wanted nothing to do with me. We’ve hardly talked to each other since I walked out on the business meeting over two months ago. I think he was still really upset that he lost his virginity to me, yet I refused to be in a relationship with him. In a way, I couldn’t really blame him, though.

He had a legitimate reason to be mad at me, and I think that’s why I took it so hard when he disconnected himself from me. I missed him so much, and the only way that I could forget about him was by partying.

I know that’s a really twisted way of dealing with my feelings, but I don’t know how else to do it.

“Well, for one, I never drunk-dialed Nick. I purposefully deleted his number from my phone, since I didn’t want to ever accidentally call him.”

“That was a good idea.” Joe pointed out. “What else isn’t true?”

I scanned over the bright pink web page. “Unfortunately, pretty much everything else is true.”

“You know, you could change that.” Joe took a sip of his water, trying to be nonchalant about the serious subject.

“I’m fine just the way I am, thank you very much.”

“Fine? You’ve woken up with a hangover every morning for the past two months. You can’t keep doing this, Viv. You’re disappointing everyone who cares about you.”

I was just about to reply, but then I heard the front door open, and two people walk in. I immediately turned to Joe.

“I thought you said he wasn’t going to be here!” I whispered.

“He’s supposed to be on a date! I don’t know why he’s back so soon.”

“Maybe the girl hates him as much as I do.”

Joe rolled his eyes, and Nick walked into the room. “Hey Joe. What are you doing home? I though you were going to-“

He immediately stopped talking once he saw me. “What are you doing here?” He asked coldly.

“Hanging out with Joe. You?” I turned around to look at him, and I suddenly felt my heart sink. Standing next to him was Miley Cyrus, in all her fake glory. The worst part was, they were holding hands.

“I’m hanging out with my girlfriend.

“Oh, I don’t think I’ve met your girlfriend yet. Hi, I’m Vivian, but you can call me Vivi.” I walked over to Miley and gave her a fake smile, and held out my hand.

“Oh my gosh, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m Miley.” She gave me a genuine smile that made my stomach churn. “I’m a huge fan of yours. You’re an amazing songwriter.” She smiled again, and I could see Nick discreetly roll his eyes. I had to hold back a laugh.

“Thank you so much, Miley. I’m a huge fan of your song, ‘7 Things.’ I can relate to it so much, except for the part about still being in love with the guy.”

She looked slightly confused, but thanked me anyway. “Thanks. But I wrote that song a long time ago. A lot has changed since then.” She looked up and smiled lovingly at Nick. He smiled back, but I knew him well enough to know that he was faking it.

“So are you and Joe, like, dating?” Miley asked hesitantly.

I laughed. “No way! One Jonas is good enough for me!”

Nick’s eyes widened, and he shot me a death glare.

“Huh?” Miley looked confused.

“Oh, Nick didn’t tell you? We dat-“

Before I could finish my sentence, Nick cut me off. “Sorry, Viv. But we’ve got to go. Maybe you and Miley can talk later.” He pulled her up the stairs as quickly as he could.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked back over to Joe. “Does she really not know about Nick and I?”

Joe shook his head. “No, he told her that none of the rumors were true. She totally believed him, which was pretty idiotic on her part.”

I laughed. “Wait, was she seriously being nice to me, or was she being fake?”

“She was actually being nice.”

I groaned. “Great. That’s going to make it that much harder to hate her.”


“So… I have a new song for you.” I said to Joe, while we were watching an old episode of The Twilight Zone.

“Ooh, really?” He paused the TV, and directed his attention to me.

“Yup. I recorded it a few days ago. You wanna hear it?”

“Duh! Do you have it?”

“Yeah, it’s in my bag.” I walked over to where I had discarded my purse by the door. It was right next to Miley’s obnoxiously bright red Prada tote. I had to roll my eyes, because she was so obviously begging for attention.

I grabbed the CD, and then walked back into the family room. “Can I play it on the stereo?”

Joe nodded, and I walked over to large speaker system in the corner. I could see that Nick had all of his favorite CD’s here. I saw The Who’s Tommy, Elvis Costello’s Spike, and Queen’s A Kind Of Magic. If he didn’t have such good taste in music, I might’ve gagged.

I pressed play on the CD, and the opening chords played softly in the room. Joe gestured to the ceiling with his thumb, signaling me to turn the volume up.

I turned it up as loud as it would go, and we sat there, listening to the new song. I had written this song all by myself, and it was about, as you probably guessed… Nick. Part of me hoped that he and Miley would be able to hear the song from upstairs.

I've been bruised and I've been broken
Can't believe that I put up with all this pain
I've been used and I was choking
On the promise
I would never fall again

Joe had a small smile on his face. I could tell that he liked the song, even though it was about his brother.

I used to sing to your twisted symphony
The words that had me trapped inside your misery
But now I know
The reason why I couldn't breathe

Nick and Miley walked downstairs, with confused looks on their faces. Nick walked over to the stereo and pressed pause.

“What the heck are you guys doing?” He asked, with confusion and annoyance in his tone.

“Listening to Viv’s new song. Now be quiet.” Joe snapped, and got up to turn the music back on.

Miley spoke. “Ooh, this is your new song? Can I hear it, too?”

I smiled at her genuinely. Little did she know, she was helping me get to Nick. “Sure, Miles. Is it okay if I call you Miles?”

She smiled brightly. “Yeah, totally! Thanks so much for letting me listen to your song. It sounded really good from upstairs. What’s it about?”

I could see Nick tense from across the room. He caught my gaze, and silently asked me not to tell her that the song was about him. I just smirked and turned back to Miley.

“Oh, it’s about this guy that I dated for almost six months.”

She sat down Indian style on the couch. “Ooh, do tell!”

Even if she was Nick’s girlfriend, I couldn’t help but like Miley. She seemed genuinely nice, and she reminded me a lot of Brooke. But still, I couldn’t like her; I couldn’t give Nick that satisfaction.

“Well, he turned out to be a complete ass. He broke up with me for no reason, and then begged me to take him back. I told him no, and then we just tried to be friends. Well, we ended up reconciling for a day or two, and then I told him that it didn’t feel right. Now he hates my guts.” I turned and narrowed my eyes at Nick. “But the feeling is mutual.”

“Wow.” Miley breathed. “That’s quite a story. But why didn’t you take him back?”

“Yes, Vivi. Do tell us!” Nick feigned enthusiasm as he sat down next to Miley. He made sure to wrap his arm around her waist, and kiss her softly.

I rolled my eyes, trying to cover up my hurt.

“Well, I realized that even though he looked like a man, he was really just an insecure little boy. He needed time to grow up. Both of us need time to grow up.”

Nick looked a little taken aback by my words. I don’t think he was expecting me to be so honest.

“But anyway, I wrote this amazing song about him. I hope you like it.” I walked back to the stereo and restarted the song.

I kept my eyes locked on Nick for the entire song.

I've been bruised and I've been broken
Can't believe that I put up with all this pain
I've been used and I was choking
On the promise
I would never fall again

I used to sing to your twisted symphony
The words that had me trapped inside your misery
But now I know
The reason why I couldn't breathe

'Cause all I want is everything you're not
So go ahead and slam the door
'Cause you can't shut me out
NoI don't, I don't care what you say
'Cause all I really, all I really want
Is everything you're not
Everything you're not, not, not

Your darkness was my weakness but it turns out
That it only went so deep
A meaningless diversion that is all that you
Ever meant to me, me, me, me

And I am done with your twisted symphony
The words that had me sound like stolen poetry
I tore the pages and I can finally breathe

'Cause all I want is everything you're not
So go ahead and slam the door
'Cause you can't shut me out
No I don't, don't care what you say
'Cause all I really, all I really want
Is everything you're not

I want a gentleman who treats me like a queen
I need respect, I need love
Nothing in between
I will not spell it out for you if you can't see
'Cause you're not worthy, you don't deserve me
And now I'm gone

Everything you're not, not, not
Everything you're not, not, not

One, two, three, four!

'Cause all I want is everything you're not
So go ahead and slam the door
'Cause you can't shut me out
And no I don't, I don't care what you say
'Cause all I really, all I really want
Is everything you're not

Everything that you're not
Never gonna break my heart again
Never gonna see your face again
Never wanna fell this way again

Never gonna break my heart again
Never gonna see your face again
Never wanna feel this way again

To this day, I’ve never seen Nick look so hurt and angry.

“Wow!” Miley smiled brightly. “That was awesome, Vivi! You’re an amazing songwriter. We should totally write a song together!”

I smirked at Nick again. “Definitely, Miles. Definitely.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Miley will not be the psycho girlfriend in this story. I'm avoiding clichés like the plague.

-Marissa :)