‹ Prequel: It's A Long Story...
Status: Writing like a maniac, but I'm banned from posting. By the time I can post again, I'll be finished writing this story. Don't worry, it'll be worth it. ;)

The Way I Loved You

Downward Spiral

{Two Months Later}


Hello, lovelys! Perez, here. We’ve got quite some news for all of you tween-ers out there.

Perez’s favorite starlet, Vivian Goodwin, seems to be in a bit of trouble. I was the first to report her breakup with fellow teen star Nick Jonas over two months ago. Well it seems that Vivian has gone into a downward spiral since then. She’s been seen gallivanting around all of H-wood’s hottest nightclubs, drinking up a storm.

Vivian celebrated her 19th birthday last month by getting totally wasted. Rumor has it, she even drunk-dialed Nick. Poor girl.

But poor Vivian does have some hope. Just this week, I’ve seen Miss Goodwin partying at three of my favorite nightclubs. On all three nights, I saw none other than Joe Jonas come in and whisk her away. I saw firsthand, as he threw her over his shoulder and brought her out to his car, while being followed by an entourage of security. Has Vivian moved on to another Jonas?

Maybe the main source of VG’s problems is her new friend, up-and-coming actress Zoey Rogers. Zoey has a reputation of being a complete ‘video girl.’ (Sorry, Perez couldn’t resist!) Here’s a picture recently taken of the two partying up a storm:


Normally, I’d love to trash-talk Vivian, but I actually feel bad for the girl. She seemed to be head-over-heels for Nick, and then their relationship just fell apart.

The breakup seems to have really changed Vivian the most. She used to be very bubbly and sweet, but lately she's seemed very dark and jaded. Her appearance has even changed! She's been seen mostly wearing all black, with bright lipstick. She looks smokin' hot, but has clearly lost her innocent, youthful look. This saddens Perez. Here's a photo that was taken of V a few weeks ago:


See? No more innocent smile. It's been replaced with a cynical smirk.

Oh Nick, what have you done to our dear Vivi?!?

Nick seems to be moving on nicely without her, though. He has reportedly reconciled with former flame Miley Cyrus. When asked about it, Nick said “Both of them are great girls. I’m glad to be able to call them both my friends.”

Hmm… sounds like bullshit to moi.

This whole situation is just leaving poor Perez with more questions. Has Vivian started dating Joe to get revenge on Nick? Does she have a partying problem, and is Joe just trying to help her, as a friend? Is Zoey Rogers trying to turn Vivian into the next Lindsay? Is Nick really dating Miley, or is it just a ploy to make VG jealous? And most importantly, is Vivian alright? Perez has always had a soft spot in his cold heart for Miss G. She’s a sweetheart, and it makes Perez sad to see her in such a state of turmoil.

Here’s to hoping that she’ll be able to get her life sorted out sometime soon.

Until next time,
Perez <3
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Did you like the 'Perez Update' style of this chapter? It's not very original, but I thought it'd help give you guys a clue as to what's going on.


PS- Kiss me quick, but make it last. ;)