Dear Boy, I love to hate you. A Mikey Way Romance

"I hate boys, but I especially hate Mikey Way."

Zoey glared at the tall, skinny boy standing in front of her with a smirk on his face.

"Mikey! Why can't you just leave me alone?!" She stared into his eyes, awaiting his answer.

He just smiled and shrugged, "I like you, so I want to be around you." He waved a hand in the air to emphasize the point.

Zoey raised her eyebrows, "So, in other words you feel the need to follow me around, wait by my locker, haunt the front sidewalk of my house in order to show that you like me?" She couldn't believe the nerve this stupid boy had.

He grinned and nodded, "Yeah, that pretty much sums it up in a nutshell."

Zoey decided that it was time that he put that smile where it belonged---as in away. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and took a small step closer to him.

"Oh Mikey, I never realized how much you liked me until now." Zoey put her hand out and ran it down his torso seductively. She could see him gulp but he tried to hide it by coughing.

She giggled inwardly but kept up her act. Stepping closer to him so their bodies were almost completely touching, she trailed her fingers up his shoulders and stopped at his neck.

"Mikey, I think its time I show you what I feel about you." Zoey breathed, biting her lip and pretending to be nervous.

Mikey almost quivered with excitement and a few other emotions that Zoey wasn't sure she wanted to identify. But that was beside the point.

She stood up on her tippy toes, so she could bring her face closer to his. He leaned forward and Zoey closed her eyes.

Just before their lips connected Zoey brought her knee up and 'unmanned' him with as much force as she could muster.

"Knee you later darling." She mocked as he fell onto the ground.

Lets just say that Mikey was currently out of commission, and from the moans of pain Zoey couldn't be sure if she'd caused permanent damage. Not that she would feel bad, the less Mikeys the better. But self preservation kicked in and she turned around and took off as fast as she could in the opposite direction.

Her feet pounded on the ground, sending echoes through the empty hallways. She could still hear him moaning but it was also obvious that he was, to put it mildly, 'completely-horribly-100%-boiling-mad' and that wasn't even the half of it.

"Crap, maybe I shoulda just stuck with a lighter tap." Zoey worried, turning down a random corridor and speeding up.

To her chagrin she heard the sound of footsteps following her. They were quickly catching up and Zoey knew she had no chance of escaping if she didn't find some form of a hiding spot.

Desperately she tried all the doors but each one refused to open. Mikey ran around the corner and his face was red from anger. Zoey screeched and dived for the last door that she hadn't tried.

Her hand closed around the handle and she pulled with all her might. It opened up and Zoey grinned in triumph. She started to dart in but just as she was preparing to close it, Mikey grabbed her arm and yanked her out and onto the cold, cement floor.

Zoey cried out at her elbow jammed into the floor and shot pain though her body. But that was the least of her worries.

Mikey towered over her, his face dark and evil. Zoey laughed slightly trying to make the mood---less tense? Or maybe she was just insane.

Mikey bent down and whispered, "Zoey, I liked you a lot and I didn't want to hurt you. Why couldnt you have just taken what I offered you? Instead you---knee me." He smiled and stroked her cheek, "Well, now you will find out, 'What goes around, comes around.'"

Zoey stared at him, wondering what he meant because he couldn't kick her in the nuts cause well--- she didn't have any.

Her question was answered when he brought his leg back and kicked her side with all his might.

Zoey had been hit and kicked a few times during her life, but nothing compared to this pain. She cried out and grasped her aching side. Tears poured out of her eyes and she moaned.

Mikey bent back down next to her and pecked her lips. She tried to bite him but he stood up and walked off down the corridor.

Zoey glared at his retreating figure, "I hate boys--- but I especially hate Mikey Way."
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