Dear Boy, I love to hate you. A Mikey Way Romance

God, help me

Zoey shifted her weight from foot to foot waiting for the stupid bus to arrive that would take her home. It had been 30 minutes since her fight with Mikey Way and her side was still throbbing fiercely.

“Stupid asshole.” She muttered, kicking at a rock then wincing at the pain that shot up the side of her body.

“Woops.” A voice said from directly behind her ear, “Did I do that?”

Zoey didn’t even need to turn around to know who it was. Her face flushed and much to her shame she felt fear start to creep into her mind. ’I am not afraid, he is just a stupid boy.’

“What’s wrong Zoey? Not talking to me?” Mikey taunted, pushing at her shoulder roughly, “That’s very childish you know.”

Growling, she turned around and kicked him in the shins, “Leave me alone before I turn you into a freaking eunuch.” Just then the bus pulled up and she quickly hopped up the steps into it. She didn’t bother flashing her monthly pass cause the driver knew her far too well.

“Hey Carl!” She sang as she walked by the friendly black man who had been her bus driver for 4 years. In her small town there was only one rout and they didn’t feel the need to switch the driver’s around too much.

“Zoey, was that boy bothering you out there?” He replied, leaning around to face her with a concerned expression.

Not wanting to alarm him she just shook her head and put in her earbuds to her ipod. Slowly, Zoey searched through her 3000 thousand artists to find the right song.

Her ipod was her one pride and joy, it had taken her three years to get a collection of music so big and wonderful.

Finally she decided on STARSTRUKK by 3OH!3. It always made her get into a happy mood by how randomly funny it was.

Zoey closed her eyes and sighed happily, letting the stress of the day slip away as she listened to the lyrics.

Suddenly someone ripped the buds out of her ears and she opened her eyes in protest and then the words stopped before they came out when she saw it was Mikey.

“What do you want Mikey?” She hissed, trying to scoot away from him. Zoey hated to admit it but she was scared of him.

He grinned at her obvious dislike of him then grabbed her arm and dragged her to what the teenagers called, Makeout Corner due to the fact that there was a partition between the last seat and the bus driver.

Zoey’s heart was pounding in her chest so hard that it hurt. Tears were forming in her eyes from fear of what he was going to do. ’Please please God, help me.’
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