All We Are

Vanessa Rines had lived in an abused family for as long as she could remember. Now having somewhere to go away from the abusive father/husband, Vanessa and her mother secretly flew to New Jersey to stay with the family's kind friends, who willingly took Vanessa in. As for Vanessa's mother, she did not want to put her only daughter in danger again, so they had to be separated. Vanessa had gone through everything a teenage girl would, for the first time, in the Jonas household - the feeling of acceptance, gaining friends, love, heartbreak, rejection - all with the exception of being friends with the ever popular Jonas Brothers and going through the rockstar life with them, stumbling into tragic problems just when she thought everything was right for once.

[Formerly "Wishing For A Better Tomorrow". This story was pretty popular on Quizilla, and I like it a lot too. And I changed the name it fit another story of mine and this song works for the story.]

Warning(s): Physical abuse and death (later on)
Title credit: "All We Are" by Matt Nathanson
  1. A New Beginning?
    "I'm doing this for you."
  2. The Start of the "Jonas Brothers"
    "Sons of Jonas...?"
  3. Now You Know
    I don't want to lose his friendship, but I don't want pity either...
  4. New Discoveries
    "You didn't know that, did you?" "No..."
  5. Envy
    Why do I envy her so much?
  6. Good News?
    "I can't wait."
  7. First day.
    "This is going to be the longest one month I will ever have to go through"
  8. Broken.
    Great. Just Freaking Terrific.
  9. With a little help from my friends
    "You know you can tell me anything, right?"
  10. Mood swings.
    He's never like this...
  11. Hm...
    They got nothing out of him, which worried us even more.
  12. Four of Six
    "Oh my god, Vanessa," He breathed, "Who did this to you?"