Goodnight and Goodbye

Goodnight And Goodbye

Red plastic cups littered the dance floor where people were pressed against one another. People littered every available seat, including things that were only seats cause people had planted themselves there. This party was no different that the one the nights previous.

The only thing that was different was the guy she was throwing herself at. I sat in the kitchen and watched as she made a fool of herself. She was already drunk and attempting to find a bedmate for the night.

I vaguely remember the night that we met. It was very similar to what was happening right now actually. I had been seated on the couch watching the party as the people mingled and started to hook up.

I had never been a big fan of meeting someone at a party and hooking up with them, but as I saw a brunette walking toward me I decided to make an exception. She plopped down into the seat next to me and started to giggle. For the next hour or so we talked about random topics, anywhere from how we knew the host to what we planned to do this summer.

The conversation ended in a heated kiss. This kiss lead to several more and was followed by moving to a room, the shedding of clothes, and pure bliss. The next morning however was ever so awkward. I woke up and noticed a body laying next to me. My brain filled with images of the night before. I covered my face with my hands and sat up. The movement woke her up and we got dressed and started talking. Who knew a one night stand could turn into a relationship.

I was snapped out of the memory when the guy she had been hitting on got up to 'go to the bathroom’. On his way there he veered off to the girl he had been eyeing the whole time she had been coming onto him. For a second I almost felt bad for her. It passed as she shrugged her small shoulders, stood up, and walked over to another guy.

When he flat out rejected her, her facial expression turned first to hurt and then to confusion. I couldn’t believe that I had once called this girl my girlfriend. When these feelings escaped her mind she started scanning the room for the next guy she would attempt to bed that night. Her eyes landed on me and lit up. She started walking toward me with a gleam in her eye. That gleam was the exact reason why we broke up.

She couldn’t stand to be alone.

“Hey baby, how have you been?” She asked. For being quite buzzed, she didn’t slur her words quite as much as other people in her state would have.

“You know me. Same old shit different day.” I said lamely. I was hoping to bore her so she would move on.

“Oh come on this is you we are talking about.” She said coyly. She knew how to get what she wanted from guys.

“Yeah I know it is, but I’m serious I haven’t done anything lately.” I replied.

“Figuratively or literally?” She questioned with a lustful smirk.

“Both.” I said to her. I was lying but she didn’t need to know that. I knew that she wasn’t going t give up and I needed to get rid of her.

“Then we can both help each other out tonight.” She said softly as she placed her hand on my arm.

“Sorry, but I am going to have to pass. Plus I don’t think my girlfriend would like that to much.” I said coldly.

“She doesn’t have to know.” She smirked at me and took a small step toward me.

“Actually I believe I do.” Meg said as she removed Brooke’s hand from my arm and laced her hand with mine. “Listen Brooke, you might want to see if the guy’s you are hitting on girlfriend is in the room.”

Brooke looked taken aback. She apparently sobered up rather fast as these words hit her. She was never one to be told off especially by an ex’s new flame.

“This was one man you shouldn’t have let go of.” Meg said bluntly. “Now if you will excuse us, Ian and I were just leaving, so goodnight.”

And with that we walked away leaving a dumfounded Brooke standing in our wake. She started singing the words to one of her favorite songs. She just never expected the words to apply to her.

Her voice was low and her breath was uneven as she whispered the words
“Baby baby,
goodnight and goodbye to you.
you will talk to me
but I sure won't talk to you.
baby baby,
goodnight and goodbye to you
You will come to see
Maybe I was the one for you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading!!