If I Die Tonight

Chapter 4

The light was so bright, that after all that dark it hurt my eyes, I squinted against it. I could only see a tall black shape in the bright yellow light. A very tall shape. With a familiar voice. The tallest boy from the night before.
I squeaked in fear, suddenly shaking all over but too scared to move. What was he going to do to me? Why did he bring me? I couldn't take much more of all this fear. I was going to have a heart attack.
"I guess you're probably wondering why I brought you here?" His deep Brooklyn accent resonated around the room, so loud after all the painful silence, frightening me more and I let out yet another whimper. He laughed when he heard it, an evil, cold laugh that made my eyes prick with tears. I almost didn't want to know. "Well me and my boys told my boss about you. He thinks your innocence could come in handy for things like... getting drug money from... coworkers I guess you could call them. Stuff like that. What do you say to that?"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Wasn't that illegal? That is why they had me here! They thought that I would get illegal money for them? How? I was physically weak and unimposing, small and I didn't like to lie or do bad things. I couldn't do that! That was wrong! That was what bad boys did! I will not be a bad girl. I will be a good girl!
"N-n-n-no!" I stuttered. I couldn't tell whether or not I was shivering from the cold, or shuddering in fear. I felt like my veins had turned to ice even though my heart was beating a thousand miles per minute.
The boy chuckled again.
"My boss thought you'd say that. You can stay here till you change your mind. I can't promise who will and won't be coming in and out of here," he laughed again. The tears started coming faster. Was that a threat? What would that mean? I was scared. What was happening to me? What about Jasmine? What about Mr. Doyle? And Mr. Tibbles! What was happening with them?
"You can earn your way out. Eventually." He laughed again, it hurt my ears. I wanted to press my hands over my ears but I was shaking too hard. I needed to go to the bathroom. He threw a little mini bread roll at me and closed the door. It closed with a loud BANG! that resounded around the room. This time I did put my hands over my ears. My head throbbed.
The darkness seemed even darker than before, and my mind began to make shapes in dark, spiders creeping towards me, monsters claws shining as they reached for my, shiny black metal guns pointed at me.
The tears wouldn't stop coming and there was a dry ache in my throat as I stifled a sob. I closed my eyes to stop the monsters from coming and soon fell asleep in the cold dark, absolutely terrified.
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It's been AGES since I updated this story but I've been busy so.. :)
Hope you enjoy it!
Read, rate, subscribe, comment :)
From Niamh,
With love!