Forgotten Faces

Dream Mile

I walked into the cold gym and began to wonder why the gym teachers liked to torment us so. They insisted that sweats would get in the way of our running, and then they'd turn around and not turn on the heat. All I wanted was just a little more heat. It was freezing.

I'd understand how the sweats might get a little unbearable, if we were running inside. Sadly today we were running outside, and I had the pleasure of having first period gym.

"Do you think you'll be alright?"

I looked over to see the gym teacher, Mr. Harris.

I shrugged. I wasn't sure what to say to him. I disliked it, when teachers tried to make small talk with me. If I wanted to get to know them, I would've started a conversation myself.

"I'll be fine," I said softly.

That was a lie. Even if I wanted to speak to any of my teachers, I wouldn't. I hated talking to teachers. I always felt like they knew so much more than me, and then therefore laugh in their heads, when I said anything incredibly wrong.

Mr. Harris walked off without saying anything more to me.

I glared at the field, wondering if it somehow knew it was causing me such misery. I doubted it did. It was just grass.

As I got to the field, I noticed Matt. He was stretching, getting ready for the run.

We only had to run a mile and a half, but I didn't have the best stamina in the world. I could run just as well as anybody; I just seemed to hate it more.

I followed everyone's example and started stretching slowly, not sure if it would actually help me in any way.

I saw Mr. Harris rounding the students up, probably trying to give us yet another speech on how we'd have a big school race near the end of the year.

"So remember everyone, we're having the first annual dream mile race this year. Girls can qualify if they run the mile under eight minutes. Guys can qualify by running the mile under six minutes. Try your best, everyone." Mr. Harris yelled out.

I shrugged.

That wouldn't apply to me. Eight minutes and thirty seconds was my best time. I only got close to that time once as well. Most of the time, I ran the mile around nine or ten minutes. Running wasn't my forte.

I saw Mr. Harris signal to everyone to watch him, and he blew the whistle that meant to start.

I rolled my eyes, before I started jogging slightly. Everyone else was passing me by, and it made me feel terrible at my own pace.

"It's okay. A light jog is always where you should start out. It's more realistic than sprinting off."

Matt was jogging right next to me.

I looked down at the ground as I jogged, not sure on how to ignore him the right way. I could just not say anything, but my parents didn't want me anywhere near Matt.

I closed my eyes as I made myself run a bit faster. I could feel my heart beginning to pump even harder.

I opened my eyes and was shocked to see Matt still next to me with a smile on his face, causing his dimples to show.

I blushed.

"Are you trying to lose me or something?" he asked playfully.

I just tried running even harder to get away from Matt. Of course Matt just caught up to me, and by then I was already done pushing myself.

I stopped to walk as my breathing was so labored I couldn't speak to Matt even if I wanted to at this point.

"What are you doing?" Matt asked, smiling still.

I shook my head at him, still trying to ignore that he was there. I just needed him to go away. I didn't want him around right now.

"Look I'm gonna run a lap and come back to you. So don't you push yourself too hard. I just don't want a crappy time. I'll be back," Matt said.

He ran off, and I felt my worry lessen a bit.

I felt like a coward though. I couldn't even speak to him. I could barely look in his eyes.

I felt my breathing slowly becoming more normal, so I started jogging again.

I should've just told him that I wasn't allowed to speak to him or his friends anymore. That would've made it easier. It could've made it harder too though.

Matt didn't seem like he would just walk away from me now. He was curious about me. He wanted to know things about me. He wouldn't go away because I told him my parents said I couldn't speak to him.

It could even make him want to talk to me more. People were confusing like that. They always wanted what they couldn't have. It was the forbidden fruit thing.

I bit down on my lip. I was never the forbidden fruit. Matt was probably the forbidden fruit for me though.

I looked around the field and saw Matt running pretty fast. He seemed to be spaced out as he ran.

I smiled, but a frown soon found its way on my lips.

I was not falling for this kid. He was off limits. He was completely off limits to me. I was not allowed to speak, touch, or even kiss that man.

I shook my head as I picked up some speed.

Matt was off limits, and that's probably why I felt like I wanted him now.

"Hey, I already caught up to you."

Matt was already back, smiling at me.

"I'm just a slow runner," I mumbled.

I could've hit myself. I wasn't supposed to be talking to him! I was supposed to be running away from him.

"It's okay. Most of the girls in the world are slow runners. At least you're not on your first lap still. I think you trying to run away got you through it pretty fast," Matt said chuckling.

I gave him a small smile, making him smile even wider. His dimples were so very adorable. His hazel eyes made me feel beyond comfortable around him.

"So did your parents find out about you not going to school yesterday?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Nope," I said. "That's good. Parents like to flip out over the smallest things. I didn't want you getting in trouble. You're a good girl, Adriana." Matt said.

I was a good girl who was lying out of my teeth to the guy who cared.

"And since you're such a good girl, I think we should skip school again next week. Do you think you can get away with it again?" Matt asked.

I thought about it for a moment. My parents would most definitely find out about it. There was no way I could go around that detail, but I really wanted to be around Matt. He was such a good person to me.

"I can try," I said softly, offering him a small smile.

"Good! I promise we won't do anything bad. I was just thinking you and me could watch a movie at my place or something. We could even make spaghetti there too," he said.

I bit down on my lip.

"Could we maybe make pizza instead? I haven't had any in a while," I said.

Matt nodded.

"'Course. Anything you wish, madam. I love pizza, so it's all good to me. What kind of movie do you wanna watch? Please don't say any chick flicks. I'll watch 'em, but I won't cry with you." he said.

"I haven't seen The Blair Witch Project yet. Is that movie okay?" I asked. Matt nodded quickly.

"Yeah! I just got it actually. I haven't seen it yet, so I'm more than happy with that answer. You're one of my favorite people right now." he asked.

And with that, I nearly died. I looked away from Matt, hoping to hide my blush. Either that or that my face was already red from running so much.

I knew that I was disobeying my parents, but that fact seemed not too important to me anymore. I almost didn't care anymore. I was pretty sure that Matt had something to do with it too.