Forgotten Faces


I sighed as I wondered what this boy would come up to talk about. I wasn't really too sure on what he wanted to talk about, and that kind of scared me.

I glanced over at the playground. Of course there were no kids playing on it. It was probably around noon time. Most of the kids were still in school. The place I should have been at.

This boy is the one who dragged me away from school. Slightly I was happy about it though. I didn't mind school because I understood most of the subjects without any difficulty, but I disliked the atmosphere.

I was no longer sure if I liked being alone. I wasn't lonely exactly. Could I go back to what I was doing not too long ago now that I was getting so much attention from Matt and the others? I wasn't sure.

"So I guess that I'll have to be the one to introduce a topic for us?" Matt asked smiling. I just shrugged, unsure of how else to answer.

I looked over at the field part of the park. The grass was kept fairly well, and there were some flowers here and there. Mostly it looked just like a soccer field though.

I had just started to wonder about how often this park was used by people, when Matt spoke again, grabbing my attention away from the field.

"So what's your thoughts on marriage?"

I stared at him blankly, not knowing what to say about it.

"Like do you wanna get married? Or are you one of those girls who think that a wedding is just showing off to people because you're insecure about the relationship?"

I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it, wanting to collect my thoughts before answering him.

"I thinks marriage is kind of essential to be honest. I was raised very conservative, and I don't believe in sex before marriage. So if my significant other ever wants to have sex with me, he pretty much has to marry me." I said slowly.

The whole time I explained that I watched Matt's facial expression go from understanding to shocked. It was quite entertaining really.

"You're just messing with me, right?" he asked slowly. I shook my head.

"Like I said before, I was raised conservative. I have morals that I'm not willing to change. Some people would view them as uptight or prudish, but I know that it's what I want." I added.

Matt just stared out into space for a while, and I wasn't too sure why this was such a big shock for him. Plenty of girls surely had the same view point as me. It made a ton of sense.

"So you only want to have sex with one person in your entire life?" he asked.

I could have screamed at him. That's what was bothering him? What a perverted boy.

"The less men I'm forced to sleep with, the better." I breathed out.

"Forced? Why do you think of it like you're being forced to? Sex is all about emotions you have for someone. You don't have to have sex with anyone, you know." He replied.

I bit down on my lip, not knowing how to answer him with that one.

"Enough about my views. We haven't talked about yours yet. Go on, Matthew." I urged.

He eyed me suspiciously, but he must have shrugged it off because he answered me.

"I have a bit of a different opinion than you do. I definitely want to get married though. I want a small ceremony with just immediate family and close friends there. The smaller it is, the more I feel like I'll like it." He stated.

I started to ponder what type of wedding I would enjoyed the most. A church wedding would feel so stuffy to me, but I could see my parents wanting that for me. A beach wedding could be nice, but I felt like the sand would eventually irritate me.

"I absolutely believe in sex before marriage though," Matt said laughing.

I overlooked his statement, not wanting to talk about sex anymore than I already did.

"But you're not even a little scared that your possible marriage would end up as a divorce?" Matt blurted.

"I never really gave that too much thought. I figured that I'd only think about that when the time comes. There's no need worrying about a failing marriage at my age. I don't even have a boyfriend. I can relax about that for a while." I mumbled.

"That's exactly how I feel. There are so many people who unnecessarily worry about things that aren't even close to possibly happening to them." He remarked.

I found myself slowly not wanting to talk anymore. I just wanted to hear him talk. His voice was calming, and he had a way with words somehow. It was a confusing thing. He didn't really use any intricate words, and sometimes he would word things in a funny way. But it worked for him.

"What do you think about kids?" I asked him.

He smiled.

"I love kids. I just know that I won't have any until I'm really financially able to support them. I'd love to have a big family actually. I just know not a lot of girls really want that right now. I don't know. I'm not honestly sure on the whole thing. It's one of the things I can worry about later in life." He ranted.

"Do you ever want to get out here?" I asked.

He raised up one of his eyebrows.

"Leave Huntington," he asked. I nodded.

"Never. It's home. I love it here. I mean I want to do music and tour and junk, but I always want to come home back here."

I bit down on my lip and stared back at the field.

I didn't plan on being Matt's friend forever, so why did it bother me that he would always be here? I hated here. I wanted to leave. I wanted to go anywhere but here. He just would never leave.

"I take your silence means that you're planning on moving somewhere else. Where is it?" he asked.

I didn't say anything as I tried to quickly think of somewhere, anywhere that would be a suitable answer.

We already lived in California, and I wasn't too sure I wanted to live anywhere in it anymore. I didn't particular like crowds, so New York would never do for me. Florida seemed like a place for people who were fit and could wear a swim suit all year around, so it wasn't the place for me. Texas seemed too hot. Arizona, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, Nebraska, Maryland, etc. Nothing seemed like the right place for me.

"I'm thinking somewhere out of the country actually," I murmured.

"Are you gonna be one of those girls who just love a man with an accent?" He joked.

"Everyone loves a man with an accent," I blurted out without thinking.

Matt started to chuckle, causing me to blush. I must have seemed so stupid to him.

"Don't worry, Adriana. Even I love a man with an accent," he joked.

Matt stood up, causing me to wonder what he had in mind. He stretched a bit, before he ran over to the playground. He went straight for the swings, and he motioned me to come over.

I contemplated actually going over with him, but my body refused to move. I didn't want to give life an easy chance to make me look like an idiot. I wasn't sure how a swing could make me look impotent, but I wasn't willing to chance it.

I began to panic on the inside when I saw that Matt was walking back over to me. He grabbed my hand and forced me up.

"Come on, Adrianna. I wanna challenge you," he said laughing.
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Finally.... Sorry for the wait, people. Comment. :)