Forgotten Faces

Ice Cream

I took a deep breath of air, trying my best to be as stable as physically possible. Matt was already gorging down his hamburger almost as fast as he possibly could.

I looked down at Matt’s plate.

To one side, there were two different kinds of fries. To the other side, were the onions Matt had taken out of his burger.

I guess he didn’t like them very much.

I slowly brought my hands down to my own burger. I slowly started to peel off the cheese. It was sticky, and some of it clung to the burger.

I felt very uncomfortable. It felt like someone was watching over me. I looked up slowly. Sure enough, Matt was staring down at my hands.

What was he finding so damn entertaining?

“Yes?” I asked a bit annoyed by him.

He shrugged.

“I find it odd that you just took off the best part of the burger,” he said.

I stared at him oddly.

I didn’t want to say that he took off my favorite part of the burger, but I had some odd feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It was almost a burning sensation to tell him.

“I like the onions better,” I whispered.

An awkward silence filled the room. It was almost like everyone else in the diner had quieted just to watch us now. Nothing made a sound.

I curiously looked up at Matt’s face.

There was a small smile growing on his face. His dimples were slowly but surely growing.

“You voiced your opinion,” he said slowly.

I shrugged, not really knowing what to say or do next.

“So?” I retorted.

He shrugged.

“You seem like the quiet person in the corner who doesn’t utter a word,” he said.

I shrugged. That was the type of person I was.

“I’ve made up my mind. We’re going to celebrate now. We’re gonna go get some ice cream now!” he said.

I stared at him oddly.

Ice cream?

“Just as soon as we’re done with these burgers,” he said.

He took another bite, and I was slowly growing more intrigued by this boy.
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It was a small chapter, but hey... I don't have an excuse for it. But I'm happy today because I got a new story idea. I'm just not sure if I should make the guy Jimmy, Syn, or Matt. Anywho, comment?