Status: Completed

You Belong With Me


My name's Dakota. It's Native American and it means Friend. It's kind of ironic considering that I have no friends. I lived in Calafornia. The only thing I really had in common with those kids was my tan skin. But they all dressed in designer clothes and gossiped about celebrities. I would rather just be myself. I would rather listen to music or read a good book.

My father and I didn't get along very well. It's not that he was awful, but we never talked much. When he died I cried once. We were not close. My mother now in Florida took me in for a year. I quickly grew tired of that. Her new guy Phil annoys me. He kept going on and on about sports that I don't even like. And my mom was always super happy and giggling around him. It was all just maddening. I told her I was leaving.

Forks is where I was born. I have not been there since I was a baby. I decided it was time to return to my home. I want to find the place where I truly belong and this is my last chance. A part of me has always felt drawn to Washington like a magnet. Like I'm supposed to be there. So my decision was final. I was going to live with Charlie Swan and he was awarded full custody of me. I was given the option of taking his last name and I did. This was my new dad, my new life.

Charlie greeted me happilly with a hug. It was amazing hw nice he was. He'd done so much for me. He gave me his name, called me his son, took custody of me, and offered me a place to live. Bells told me he considers me his son because I am Renee's son, the woman he loved, the one who created his daughter Bella, making me Bella's brother.

Bella and I talked a lot. I am given the room that belonged to Bella previously. The walls are pale blue with a bed, and a desk, a chair...all very normal and plain. I start putting away my stuff. “So can I hear your story one more time?”

I sigh. It's something I prefer not to talk about. “My father originally from la Push had a short affair with Renee. Their relationship resulted in me. My father and I weren't close. We barely talked. He is dead now. I made the choice to stay with Charlie. Renee offered to keep me but I said no. Custody of me was awarded to my stepfather and with that my name was changed.”

My father has a reputation. This gives me a reputation in Forks and La Push. They know my dad had a stupid affair and they know he left them. That makes him a bit of a traitor. They know I'm not of course but I still get a few weird glances every so often. Now I am moving in with Charlie. He is the police chief and this adds to my reputation also. It doesn't really bother me though.

“Okay...that's really great Dakota. We're so happy to have you here.” She then starts blabbering on about Forks, her life here, our mom, the cullens, and Charlie. I do know things about her. Charlie told me so much. She is married to Edward Cullen. The cullens are an interesting family. Dr.Carlisle Cullen adopted them and they live in a big rich house. Edward and Bella live together. They have a daughter named Renesmee. I saw a picture and she is so beautiful. Bella and I used to have the same brown eyes but now I think she has contacts. My hair is a little darker than hers but that's it. She looks even paler if that's possible.

Everyone seems pale here. It must be the lack of sunlight. I don't mind the rain though. Its kind of nice. But I stand out because of my ethnicity now. Finally she says “This weekend they're having a bon fire in La Push. You have to go.”

“Okay,” I shrug. I don't see why not. She seems really nice. She is 19, young to have a husband and child though.

“Good!” she hugs me again before leaving. I sit at the old square oak table in one of the three unmatched chairs. I look around curiously. The cabinets are yellow against the dark paneled walls and the floor is white linoleum. After tasting Charlie's food I decide to do more cooking around here.

Before bed I look at the different pictures of Bella and I on the fireplace mantle. Hanging above it is Charlie's gun. I don't like guns so I make a mental note to stay away from this part of the room. I fall asleep that night wondering what Forks holds in store for me next.

I should be going to school but I made excuses. I hated school in Calafornia. Charlie said I wouldn't have to go this year but deffinatley next year when school started up again in the fall. Bella and I spend the day together getting to know eachother better.