Status: Completed

You Belong With Me


The first time I phase I didn't mean to. Charlie started yelling at me. He said I spend too much time with Jacob. “You are always with Jacob. Every minute of everyday that you have free you are with him. What's so special about him? It's not even the pack or your new friends, it's Jacob that you can't be without.”

I got mad and started shaking. Jacob put a hand on my shoulder and tried to calm me down but it didn't work. He stepped back when I started to shudder and I knew he knew I was going to phase. I was scared for only a moment because next thing I knew I was on four feet. I was a wolf. Jacob phased and brought me to the others. It was strange I must admit, seeing them as wolves I mean. “You look gorgeous” I told Jake in my mind.

“So do you”

I could sence the happiness in his voice. My fur is a golden yellow color. Some people say your fur reflects your personality but I'm not so sure about that. I am no where near as valuable as gold.

“To me you are,” was Jacob's response.

“I love you,” I said.

“I love you too.”

Even Paul apologized to me. 'Look man, I'm sorry,'

'Are you really?'

'Yes, I over reacted. I was stupid. You're my brother. If you and Jacob are in love then so be it.'

'Thank you. That means a lot to me.'

“So you loved my sister?”I ask lounging on the couch.

“No..I mean, I thought I did but the affection I felt for her was strong but it wasn't that type of love. Besides, Bella deserves a guy like Edward, not like me. Edward Cullen is a man, a vampire, a god like creature with everything a woman wants. I on the other hand... am plain old Jacob Black. Nothing I have really appeals to the ladies. At that time I was the only one not to imprint. I thought I was in love, but I didn't imprint. Which clearly meant... It wasn't meant to be...”

“Jake....”I feel bad for him. “You know, to her you will probably alway be just plain old Jacob black, but that's because you guys have been friends for so long. She doesn't see you the way I do. I...I love you. And I find it difficult to believe that you have nothing appealing to you. I think just about everything about you is appealing. You are simply gorgeous all over. I love your sexy muscles and your wonderful smile. I love how you're always so happy and how as soon as you walk in the room you make everyone else smile too. You're caring and determined and strong and everything I could ever want. I can't possibly begin to understand why you think that a filfthy vampire is better than you. YOU have a heartbeat and you're warm. He left Bella alone and hurt. You actually fight for the one you love. He's a disgusting blood sucker and real men don't sparkle. You have a sence of humor, you're a good friend, you're not dead...” I walk closer and sit in his lap, straddling him. “And you run around half naked all the time and you look damn sexy while doing it. So there!”

He grins. I kiss him quickly. “'re amazing. I didn't imprint on Bella because I'm meant to be with you. I love you.”

We kiss again. “Jacob?” His dad opens the door. I am not quick enough. He saw us.