Status: Completed

You Belong With Me

Unholy Confessions

“Jacob!” His dad gasps.

Jacob pulls away from me and blushes, licking his lips. I blush too.

“I knew you imprinted!” Billy Black yells.

“Yeah dad...I did.”

“When did this happen?”

“I guess when we met.”

“I can't believe you imprinted on Dakota! Charlie's step son!”

“I didn't mean to....It just...happened.”

“He's a boy!”

“I know that...but we're supposed to be together. If we weren't we wouldn't have imprinted.”

“I don't understand how you're soul mate can be a boy Jake. Why would you imprint on a boy? That's not supposed to happen.”

“Well a girl wasn't supposed to be in our pack either but she is. I love Dakota.”

“Are you...attracted to him?”

“When you imprint you only see that person. No one else matters anymore. Of course I'm attracted to him.”

“Does anyone else know?

“The pack does.”

“What do they think?”

“They were surprised. I mean I was surprised too. But they are okay with it because it's meant to be this way and I'm happy.”

“You're happy with Dakota?”

Jacob is starting to tremble slightly. “Yeah I'm happy. I actually found the person I'm supposed to be with. Someone that loves me as much as I love them. You can stop thinking Bella and I are going to get together because we aren't. Yeah I used to think I was in love with her but it doesn't matter. It's not her I'm supposed to be with. She's supposed to be with edward and I'm supposed to be with her brother. It's simple as that.”

“Okay then.....” he wheels away.

“Jake...I need to tell Charlie,” I decide. He nods in agreement. Billy will tell him if we don't and it's probably better that I'm the one who does.

“Dad....sit down. I....I need to tell you something.”

“What do you mean?” he frowns and sits in a kitchen chair.

“You asked why I spend all my time with Jacob and I'm going to answer your question now.”

He looks at me curiously. “Okay.”

“I...I love Jacob.”

“What do you mean?”

“I'm in love with Jacob.”

“You can't be in love with him.”

“We imprinted.”

“What the hell is that?”

I explain.

“So you're...soul mates?”

“Yeah,” I nod.

“He makes you happy?”

“Yes, very happy.”

“He loves you too?”

“Yes I do Dad,” Jacob's deep husky voice cuts into our conversation. “I love him more than anything.”

“Okay then....if that's how it is....I guess it's....okay.”

“Thank you Dad,” I hug him.

“You're welcome son. Jake, you better not hurt him. I swear if you do I know where you live,” he gestures towards the gun hanging above the fire place.

Jacob grins. “I'll protect him with my life.”

“Okay, good.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: So basically Charlie is okay with is mostly. Billy accepts it but isn't really okay with it. We'll see what happens. Comment and tell me what you think.