Status: Completed

You Belong With Me


I watch Jacob saunter in front of me. He's almost as gorgeous in wolf form as he is in human form. It's still difficult for me. I can't control my phasing very well. Jacob said I'll get the hang of it eventually, it's just easier for him because it's in his blood. There were many wolves in his family and a lot of them were pack leaders. That was his birth right that he chose not to accept. I think he'd be a good leader, not that Sam isn't.

Sam called the pack meeting. Jacob, as the Beta wolf, has been patrolling every night. He makes me stay at home. “If there is something out there I don't want it to hurt you.” He had told me this and I tried my best not to protest. He's very protective of me and he can't help it. The Volturi have found out about the vampire-werewolf alliance and they aren't happy about it.

'I think it's better if Dakota stays with you for now Jake'

'What? Why me?'

'Because he needs to be with the rest of us on the Quileute reservation and seeing as none of our houses would be adequate he is going to stay with you.”

The Volturi blames me for this. In reality it was Bella who started the alliance in the first place. But I'm a wolf and I LIVE on vampire land. That broke it beyond belief. They want me dead.

'But...I....I...ok,' he wants me to stay but he's worried.

'Please please try your very best to behave. You need to be serious about protecting both Dakota and the pack as the volturi approach. AND as you saw the other night, Dakota has barely any control over his phasing and if you guys get carried away....'

'Yeah, I undersand. I will.'

'Okay then'

I disappear in the woods to get dressed. When I return most of the others are gone and the remaining ones are clothed. “Jake, what am I gonna' tell Charlie?”

“We'll just be honest.”

“Dad, I love you and I don't want to leave. I wish this wasn't happening but it is. There's some...vampires in Itally. They are very powerful. Vampires and werewolves were natural enemies and there was even a treaty to keep them apart. But the treaty has been trashed. And we're in an alliance now. They're mad and that means they might come here. We don't know if they are going to attack or not but either way I need to stay with the others. I need to stay with Jacob and Billy on the Quileute reservation.”

He sighs. “Will you be safe there?”

I nod. “The pack is on patrol constantly. They won't let anything happen to me. They are ecspecially protecting me. Because in the treaty there are boundry lines and the wolves stay on their land. They aren't supposed to cross that line. But I live here. I live with you on vampire land near a vampire sister. So the pack is ecspecially careful about me.”

“I would die before I ever let anyone hurt him,” Jacob adds. “I love him too.”

That finally got through to Charlie and he understood. “Okay, you can go Dakota.”

Billy has been filled in about what's going on. So have the cullens which means they are on alert. “So're gonna' sleep on the couch?”

“I...” I am not sure what to say.

“Dad he's sleeping with me,” Jacob announces.

“But you.....” he looks uncomfortable. Though he has to understand why Jacob wants to be at my side always. “Keep the door open then.”

I go sit with Jacob on his bed. “Did your dad ever...imprint?”

“ But he was very in love with my mom.”

Imprinting is rare and it doesn't seem to happen a lot. “How did your mom...umm....”

“Die? It was a really bad accident. My father is now in a wheel chair and she was killed. Her coffin was nailed close...I....” He looks like he's going to cry.. I hug him tightly. He smiles. “But I have my dad and my sisters. And I have a wonderful family called the pack. And I have you. I am so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend. I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you too,” we kiss. I keep my arms around him and pull him on top of me. He kisses me more and slides his hands all over me, up my thigh and over my stomach.His hips are pressed against mine. The feeling of his warm body against mine is good. He pulls my shirt off and kisses my stomach. I blush. My body is starting to react to all of this and I'm not sure that's a good thing. He kisses my lips again and I moan quietly. “Jacob....” I pant. He sits up and looks at the bulge in my jeans and he blushes too. “I'm sorry...I just...”

He grins. “It's okay.”

“Jake!” his dad calls. “I'm going to speak with Charlie. Behave while I'm gone. Try not to break anything.”

I giggle. The front door opens then shuts as his dad leaves. We both sit up. “Do you break things a lot?”

“Maybe....” he chuckles.

“So strong,” I smile and run my hand over his bicep. He closes his eyes. I kiss his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. He turns so I am on my back with him ontop of me. “Jake...” I push my hips up against his, desperate for the friction. “We shouldn't be doing this...Sam said...”

“There are no rules that can bind you when you find your other half.”

“I don't know if I can...control...myself enough to...” we are slowly grinding against eachother.

“Do you want to?”

I nod.

We kiss passionatley. Clothes slide off until I am completley naked and he's in boxers. I blush even worse. “Gorgeous,” he mumbles. I yank at his boxers and he helps slide them off. He's so sexy. I roll ontop of him and kiss him hungrilly. He kisses back, moaning against my lips. I don't give in that easilly. I am a wolf after all. I slide my legs up and he kneels between them. I close my eyes again. He pushes into me slowly and it hurts. I growl and grip the sheets tightly. He tilts his head back and the look on his face is pure pleasure as a gutteral moan escapes him. “Jake...move,” I demand. He does as I say, thrusting in and pulling back only to slam into me again. “Uh...oh...oh Jake....Jacob....” My breathing is fast and my heart is racing. Pleasure courses through my body.

“Uh....” he groans.

One of my hands moves to grip the bedframe. One of his hands grips the headboard. “Uhn....oh....fuck....Jake....” I arch my back and moan loudly. Then I grip the bed tighter. “I...can't....AH!” I scream as I shudder and orgasm. This easilly triggers Jacob and he spills inside me. Its all very intense. Neither of us move for a while. I tremble. That's when Jacob finally dries my stomach and chest with a sheet before tossing it in the corner, and then pulls me into his arms. I welcome his warmth. He kisses my forehead.

“Are you okay?”

“Uh-huh,” I am shivering pretty bad.

“I love you Dakota. I'll never let them touch you. Everything's going to be okay, I promise.”

“I love you too, always and forever.”

“Always and forever,” he agrees.