Status: Completed

You Belong With Me

Cullens and Quileutes

The cullens. Bella took me to their big fancy mansion house so I could meet them. They all looked at me really strange. I don't know what their problem is. Esme smiled and shook my hand but even she looked at me strange when she thought I wasn't looking. “Does he know?” I hear her whisper.

“No, he has no idea about any of this,” Edward responded in a hushed whisper.

When I walked closer they instantly became silent. “Bella, can we leave now?” I wanted out of there as soon as possible. This family is freaky. But what's even worse is we go home and Bella starts looking at me strange too. Eventually she leaves and I am thankful for that as I crawl into bed. Those Cullens may think I'm weird but I think they are the ones who are weird. They are all extremely pale. And for people who aren't related they all have the same golden colored eyes. That's not even a popular color, it's very unique.

I'm not sure if I like them...

I'm kind of nervous to go to La Push. I have no idea what to expect. Will they be weird like the Cullens? Will they hate me because of my father? Will they think it's weird that I live with Charlie? Or worse...will they think I'm weird? The Cullens sure did.

The sky is gray and it's misting out. The fire is going strong. Bella introduces me to everyone. “Guys this is Dakota. Dakota this is Sam, Quil, Embry, Leah, Kim, Jared, Paul, Embry, Quil, Collin, Brady, Seth, and Jacob.”

She had told me about Jacob. They had met as kids and are best friends. Billy, Jacob's dad is Charlie's best friend also. Jacob stands in front of me and smiles. My stomach flutters and I blush, smiling a little too. He is tall even though we are the same age. We both just turned seventeen recently. He has long dark hair and dark brown eyes. His skin is a gorgeous russet color. He has well toned muscles and is only wearing jean shorts. “Hey,” he extends a hand and I realize he wants me to shake it. His hand is bigger than mine and very very warm. The feeling that goes through me at his touch is so strange. I've never had such a weird experience of meeting someone. All these feelings are whirling through me and I can't make sence of any of them. It's all just overwhelming and strange.

He looks at me kind of studying my face before finally letting go of my hand. I blsuh again. We sit down beside eachother on a log in the sand in front of the fire. We start talking a lot and it's almost like I have known him for a long time, like we are meant to be here together. I just can't stop talking to him, smiling and laughing and blushing. I love his smile. He is amazing.

I watch all the food that the quileute boys devour and am surprised. There's something going on here that isn't normal and I am confused. Bella practically has to drag me home, I forgot all about the time. It went by so fast. Jacob hugs me and the feelings return. He smells good. I fell very safe and nice in his strong arms. Warmth radiates through me and then he lets go of me and I am in my car.

What is about those quileutes and more importantly what is it about Jacob black? I even dream about him. It's all too weird.