Status: Completed

You Belong With Me


“I'm tired of this Jake!” I complain, pacing in the living room.

“I know. Sam is calling a pack meeting soon,” he kisses my forehead.”You feel warmer than usual. Are you okay?”

“Achoo! Yeah,” I sniff and wipe my face on my sweater sleeve.

“Here, use a tissue,” he hands me a box of tissues.

“Thanks,” I say.

“If you're sick I can take you home. You should be resting in bed.”

“I'm not- Achoo- sick!”

“Yes you are. C'mon,” he pushes me towards the car. I cross my arms, annoyed.

“Hello Jacob,” Charlie opens the door.

“Dakota is sick and I thought he should be home resting.”

“Dakota? What's wrong?”

“Nothing. Achoo!” I sneeze and wipe my nose on some of the tissues in my hand.

“I'll get you some soup,” he says and walks to the kitchen. Jacob pushes me into bed, pulling my shoes off and covering me with blankets. I eat the soup and take some medicine that makes me sleepy. Jacob is sitting on the edge of my bed, watching over me protectively.

“Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up. I wouldn't leave you. I'm not leaving you ever.”

“I love you,” I whisper and fall asleep.

When I wake up I wipe my nose after a few sneezes and try to sneak out of bed but Jacob walks in and stops me. Carlisle is here. “I'm not sick!” I protest.

He examines me quickly. “It's just a cold. Take fluids and stay warm. You should be back to normal in a couple days.”

“Thanks,” I mumble, rolling my eyes sarcastically. He leaves. “I am a little cold Jake,” I reach my arms out to him. He grins and slides under the blankets with me, wrapping his arms around me. I snuggle against him.

I figure I got sick thanks to Paul shoving me face first into snow. Sam visits bringing food from Emily. “Thanks,” I cough.

“I talked to Paul and Rachael....I told Paul that if he wasn't going to accept his brothers for who they are then he would have to choose the pack or her.”

“What did he say?” Jacob asks.

“He said he's going to get over himself and accept you and so is Rachael. He'll be sure of that.”

When Rachael leaves I say “I'm just so tired of being the one who they don't accept. They think I'm just a little gay loser and I just randomly joined the pack thanks to my traitor father and I only cause trouble. I caused trouble with the Volturi and I caused trouble with the pack because I “turned you gay” and I just HAD to be the first gay wolf. Everything's just my fucking fault!”

“No.....Dakota, none of this is your fault. And you aren't the only one who has caused trouble with joining the pack. I was fighting it. I was fighting joining the pack and spreading rumors about them. Poor Bella thought I was going crazy and joining a group of freaks. I caused trouble with the volturi. I caused trouble with the pack because I was fighting the vampires to get to Bella. You have no idea what kind of trouble that caused especially when Bella got pregnant. It was complete madness.”

“I hate this Jacob. I never meant for any of this to happen. I can't help the man that gave me life but thats all he is. Charlie's my father now and I'm glad I moved here. I belong here. I didn't mean to turn into a wolf. It just happened. I got upset because my life was being turned upside down and I changed.”

“I know....believe it` or not I changed when I was happy. I was really happy because the bloodsucker was gone and I had Bella. I hated it that I changed then. I didn't want to.”

“I can't help it that I'm gay. I never liked girls. I can't change that. It's just the way I am. And I never meant to turn you or anyone gay.”

“I know. You didn't turn me anything. I just fell in love with you. It doesn't make me gay or straight or whatever. It just makes me me. I am meant to be with you for a reason Dakota. You're my soul mate.”

“I love you so much Jake,” I hug him and cry. He hugs me and comforts me.

“It's okay...Everything's going to be okay.”