Status: Completed

You Belong With Me


“Hey,” Jacob grins. The sun is shining today and he looks absoulutley perfect in the shimmering light. I can't help but stare at him.

“Does my being half naked bother you?” he asks.

I blush. “No, why would it?”

He just laughs.

“Look, we need to talk.”

“Okay,” he is suddenly so serious it alarms me and sets my heart racing. He is always happy and smiling so this must really be something bad.

“I think it would be best if we aren't friends?”


“Because...I just...there's things that are...there's things you don't know and I think it's best if you left.”

I can't believe this. I don't know what to say. “So this is goodbye?”


“Okay,” I leave. It all happened so fast. What changed? He was smiling when he saw me and then all of a sudden he wants me to leave. When I get home I cry. I don't even know why. I don't understand why I'm acting this way. It's like my world has been turned upside down and this huge part of me is missing. I didn't know that anyone could have such an affect on me, let alone this boy that I just met.

“Hey, I heard you and Jake are friends,” Charlie says as I finish cooking dinner. A plate drops out of my hand, shattering on the floor and spilling food everywhere.

“Dakota! Here I'll get that,” he offers and starts picking up the mess. I sit in a chair and try to take deep breaths. “Dakota, are you alright? You look like someone punched you in the stomach or something.”

“I'm fine. It's, we aren't um...friends.”


I nod and try to focus on dinner. That night I dream about Jacob telling me to leave. I wake up in aa tangle of blankets with fresh tears on my face. I quickly dry my face and go back to sleep. The next morning Bella is here and cooked pancakes. I nibble some. “You look awful Dakota. What's wrong?”

“Jacob...he told me to leave because there's things I don't know....I just...I don't understand.”


“You know what he's talking about, don't you?” I demand.

“Yeah....okay, Dakota, there's this Quileute legend. Have you ever heard it?”


“The legend says that the Quileutes were living happilly until their enemies showed up. Their enemies were the cold ones, blood suckers. But they made a treaty to stay on their own land. The treaty has beenn broken quite a bit now though.”

“What do you mean?” I am confused. What is she saying?

“The bloodsuckers exist. They live here in Forks.”

“ mean...vampires?” The realization hits me. “You and the cullens! You're vampires!” I jump out of my chair and back away. She grabs my arm.

“Dakota! Get a hold of yourself. We aren't monsters. I'm your sister. We don't even eat people.”

I wait patiently as she explains to me about the cullens. It's so weird. I mean, who could have thought vampires exist? It's crazy yet I have to believe it. The evidence is right in front of me. And even better Edward can read my mind. That's just wonderful.

Though the question remains, why are the vampires and the Quileutes enemies?
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So this story has proved to be a challenge for me. Please tell me what you think. It really means so much to me as a writer. I hope you like it.