Status: Completed

You Belong With Me


“Dakota,” a voice says. I look and there he is. The ever gorgeous Jacob Black.

“What do you want?” I sniff.

“I talked to Sam...are you alright?”

“Yes, of course.”

“No, you're upset. I can see it in your eyes. You're angry at me.”

“I'm not. I'm just scared.”

“You should have just told me that. You don't need to be afraid of anything. I'm here for you. I won't let anything happen to you.”

“That's just it! You imprinted on me! I know you did! I don't know what that means. Are you my protector or my brother or my best friend or my lover or what? Why didn't you talk to me before?”

He sighs and sits down. “I didnt talk to you because I dont know what to say. This is weird for me too. I've never been attracted to a guy in my whole life but I am to you. I am in love with you. There's no denying it. But I don't know what to do about it! You're a guy! This is so wrong! How could I imprint on you? That makes no sence! It's crazy!”

“You're in love with me?” Tears are streaming down my face.

“Yes. It's wrong though, isn't it?”

“I don't know what to think anymore.”

“Have you ever been attracted to a boy? Are you attracted to me?”

“I am attracted to you. You're the most amazing person I have ever met. You are very attractive and your smile is incredible, you are always happy and you make me happy. You smell good and you're strong and just everything. I am in love with you. No I have never been attracted to anyone but I guess it's because I never met you.”

“I think you are gorgeous, and caring, and really nice, and smart, and everything. I used to think I was in love with Bella but that was nothing compared to this. My feelings for you are so strong that I can never stop thinking about you. I even dream about you. My world revolves around you. I don't see anyone else, just you. You asked what I am to you and I am what you need me to be. You're protector, you're best friend...your lover...” he kisses me. I kiss him back. It's intense, like electricity going through me. I wrap my arms around him and open my mouth against his. We make out passionatley.

I pant and blush. “I'm sorry,” he mumbles.

“No,” I kiss him again and he kisses back.

“Don't leave me,” I rest against him. He tells me “I won't” and holds me close.

“There's a reason you imprint on someone. It isn't just for nothing. You two are mean to be together. Your destinies are intertwined,” Sam replies to our news.

“But this is wrong!” Jake shouts.

“No it's not. Do you not understand that you're meant to be together? You imprinted on purpose! Just because you're the first two boys to imprint on eachother doesn't mean it's wrong. Leah's the first female in the pack ever but it's not wrong. Things happen for a reason!”

“Does it really bother you that much? Am I that awful?” I ask, tears in my eyes.

“No! No, it's not you. I am just trying to understand all of this. Okay?”

“No,” I shake my head.

“But I didn't mean-”

I leave and go outside where some of the pack is. Paul shoves me to the ground, growling. “You think you can just show up and turn Jacob gay? Fucking leech lover. Are you trying to break up the pack or what?”

Sam yanks Paul off of me and the two start fighting. I cry. “I'm sorry...I didn't mean it...I...It's not my fault...I never meant for this to happen...”

“It's alright Dakota,” Seth tries to comfort me.

My body shudders and shakes as tears continue falling. Jacob scoops me up in his arms and carries me to his house. He sits on his couch with me in his lap. He dries my tears then wraps his arms around me and presses his lips to mine. I hug him too and we make out. I lie on my back and he lies over me. We continue kissing for a long time. Finally he says “I'm sorry I acted so stupid. I never meant to hurt you.” We kiss again.

Sam walks in. “Hey guys, I see you made up.”

Jacob easilly picks me up and places me on his lap. I cling to him. He places an arm around me protectivley. Jacob. My lover, my friend, my protector. jacob.

“Dakota is going to change very soon so we need you to watch him. That means sleeping over but no sleeping. I mean it Jacob, don't mess up.”

“Okay, Sam. I'll watch him. I swear I won't let anything happen to him.”


“How are you going to-”

“Never mind. Just go to bed.”

I walk inside to and Charlie greets me. “Hello Dakota, have fun?”

“Yes,” I nod.

“I'm just getting ready to go to bed. How about you?”

“Yeah, me too.”

“Okay then. Goodnight.”


I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I change into shorts and a blue tee shirt. I stare at my self in the mirror. Does Jacob really think I'm sexy? I run my hands through my hair.

I walk into my room and am startled by Jacob sitting in the rocking chair. “How'd you get in here?” I whisper.

“The window was open so I climbed up the tree.”

“Shhhh! Charlie will here you.”

“And what? Think I'm raping you? He doesn't even know we're dating.”


“Duh! Of course!”

“Shhhh! Okay. I just wanted to see if it was official.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I kiss him. He smiles. “Get some sleep.”


I toss and turn for a while. “Jake, please c'mere,” I pout.

“You want me to sleep with you?”


“Umm...okay,” he slides under the covers and wraps his arms around me. I turn to face him, snuggeling against him. His heart beat lulls me to sleep.