Status: Completed

You Belong With Me


I wake up at 2:30 AM. I am sweating and my body aches. I feel awful and really wrong. “Jake,” my voice sounds hoarse. He is still asleep. I noticed it's difficult to wake him up sometimes. He's a heavy sleeper. “Jake,” I shake him. He yawns.

“Yeah? What's going on?”

“I really don't feel good. Something's wrong.”

“Alright, hang on,” he turns on the light. I sit up. He places a hand on my forehead. “You don't look good and you're burning up. I'm taking you to my house.”

“But Charlie-”

“I'll leave him a note,” he scribbles something quickly on a scrap piece of paper then picks me up. Charlie doesn't even know I'm a shapeshifter just like the other male quileutes. I close my eyes and cling to my boyfriend. He places me on his couch when we arrive. He gets his dad who wheels out and checks my forehead.

“Here,” he puts a thermometer in my mouth and calls Sam. When he returns he checks my temperature. By now I am shivering. “You're changing.”

Sam arrives a minute later. He talks to Billy and quickly checks me. “Alright, Jake I need you to keep him calm. See if he'll go to sleep.”

I am carried to Jacob's bed. He lies with me, placing his arm around me. “I'm scared,” I confess.

“It'll be alright. I won't ever leave your side. I promise. I won't let anything happen to you.” I snuggle against him again and once again his heart beat calms me so I sleep.

When I wake up Sam brings me some ice water to drink. It is only a few minutes before my eyes are shut again. The next time I wake up my body hurts a lot and feels like it's on fire. I am shaking. Jake comforts me until I fall asleep.

I wake up for good later. “Jacob...” my voice is still hoarse.

“I'm here. How are you feeling?”

“I don't know...”

Sam walks in and sticks a thermometer in my mouth. “105.6. It's a bit low for a wolf but deffinatley way too high for a human.”

Jake's temperature is 3.3 degrees higher than mine. Then again he is taller and more muscular than me too. I am taller and more toned than I was when I first moved here though. I don't think I want to be bigger either. I like the fact that Jacob can easilly pick me up and I can curl up against him. It makes me feel safe.

“How long has it been?”

“Two weeks,” Sam answers.


“Are you hungry?”


“We'll get you some food then,” He leaves.

“What happened? I can't really remember anything.”

“Well slept a lot. You said my name almost constantly even though I never left you. You were thrashing around and your temperature went up to 110. When you calmed down a little Emily, Sam's wife, cooled you with a damp cloth. You were sweating and really warm so she helped.”

“Calmed down?”

“Yeah, I told you, you were thrashing around and calling my name. Sam had to hold you down when you were growling.”


He laughs. “It's normal. You seemed to be fine when I held you against me and comforted you.”

I blush and he smiles. I go take a shower and change into clothes Charlie brought for me. We sit at the table and I eat a ton of food but it's normal for us wolves. Sam goes home to his fiance. I call Charlie. He is happy to hear from me. “I went to wake you up and there was this note from Jacob saying you are staying with him. It said “Don't worry. I'll take care of him.” But of course I worried. I called Billy and he wouldn't let me talk to you or see you. I'm going crazy here!”

“I'm fine. I know we need to talk. I'll be home soon. I love you Dad.”

“I love you too son,” we hang up.

“I have to go home now. Charlie is flipping out. He needs to know. Do I have permission to tell him? You told him about yourself, right?”

“Yes, you can tell him. He knows about me.”

“Will you please go with me? I need you.”

“Sure. Let me take a quick shower and then we can go.”




“Your welcome,” he smiles. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: I don't know what the changing process is supposed to be like so I just made it my own.