Until The Darkness Blows Away

Waking Up To Something New

Cassidy felt her mind slowly glide out of the fog. A eerie mist still clouded things but she could feel her senses drift back into her, and she was alive again. Cassidy couldn't open her eyes but she knew that it didn't matter anyways. She knew who she was, just not where she was or what she was doing there. So she listened. Cassidy picked up the sound of voices and running foot steps, to common to really determine anything about her where-abouts. She heard the screeching of rubber wheels on newly polished tile floor. The sound was muffled by and enclosed room. Inside the room, she knew she was located, Cassidy heard the off sound of distant beeps, the slow delayed, steady rhythm led her to believe it was a heart monitor. Then even closer than that she hear the sound of restricted breathing and the shifting of only one other presents in the room with her.

Cassidy allowed the smells of her surroundings also allow her to configure a conclusion as to where she was. She smelt the burning chemicals of mild cleaning products made to be environmentally safe. Above that was the stronger aroma of male, she couldn't explain it. It wasn't the cologne, it wasn't the deodorant. It was just the smell of a guy, and he was right next to her; it gave her chills up and down her spine. In the far off distance there was also the wonderful fragrance of human blood and exposed flesh. Taste would be the automatic next step but that would obviously not help her much. Cassidy's mouth tasted like dried blood and the air around her tasted exactly how it smelt just staler.

Her sense of touch told Cassidy that she was on a bed with crisp sheets but a thin mattress. She was in a room that was rather frigid in temperature yet she felt fairly warm. Cassidy also felt many wires and tubes attached in varies places. There was also some kind of itchy cloth wrapped around her rib cage that was causing her torso to twitch every so often. Then something heavy embraced Cassidy's wrist and it was extremely stiff. That is when the pain appeared, it came on very suddenly. So many aches just clawing at her every muscle. For starters there was an immense throbbing in her skull that threatened to split her mind and spill it's countenance all over the sterile sheets she was tucked in far to tightly. Moving south her neck was stiff as a board and felt as though about to snap if even moved in the slightest. Still traveling lower Cassidy's rib cage collapsed with every shaking breath. Then lower yet Cassidy;s arms were sore in am empty numbness burning sensation. Then the rest of the way down Cassidy couldn't feel anything.

Then again through all the pain, all the thick mist-like barrier, all the over whelming confusion; Cassidy felt a soft gentle hand stroking her right arm comfortingly where a fresh patch of goose flesh had just appeared. Cassidy opened her eyes to reveal nothing but darkness. She turned her head towards the male stroking her arm. "Hello, how are you feeling," he asked concern flooding his tired voice. All Cassidy could do was groan in a disgruntled way to show great displeasure and discomfort. "Oh, don't worry sweetie. Everything id going to be okay," he responded as he bean broader strokes along her whole side; from the top of her shoulder down to the tips of her fingers. "Who are you," Cassidy breathed out shortening her millions of questions into one. "I am Adrian, I was the one who found you while you were being jumped," he stated and then continued trying to stay calm despite Cassidy's confused look.

"You are in the hospital. You are pretty banged up but don't worry your going to be okay," he reassured her as he began running his hand over the top of Cassidy's head instead, pushing back the dirty hair that had plastered itself to her forehead. "Hey, do I have last period Thursday study with you. Mr. Citronella's study hall," Adrian asked curiously with a slight grin in his voice. "Yeah I think so, you seem familiar," Cassidy answered knowing she couldn't say "look familiar" but didn't want to say "sound familiar". She was trying to be normal without denying who she was, or what handicap she thrived with.