Psychic Vampire Report

Psychic Vampires and What they are.

Have you ever be talking to someone and become sleepy or drained of energy for no reason whatsoever? If so then you might be in the presence of a Psychic Vampire. Psychic Vampires or Psi-Vamps as they are also called are all around us and they shape our lives in many different ways.
What is a Psychic Vampire? A Psychic Vampire is a person who for some reason needs to take human energy in order to be physically, and spiritually well. Unlike the vampires in books and movies like Twilight for example, Psychic Vampires are not undead, but are mortal people whose need for energy metaphorically ties them to the vampires or myth.
Psychic Vampirism may seem straight forward but, there are many ideas on why they need to feed on human life energy. One reason is that a Psychic Vampire has a physical or spiritual illness that has reduced their own vitality. Meaning that their body cannot produce it's own energy as can a normal person. Others believe that the reason they feed is becaues they have a higher spiriual metabolism. Meaning that they can produce energy without a problem, but the energy is used at a faster rate because it's used to fuel psychic abilities.
Because of the quick burn out they have to make up the diffrence in enrgy by feeding on others. Some believe that they have an inperfect connection to the universal source of enrgy that fuels normal people. Either the connection is completly cut off or is limited in some way. Usually these problems arise as a result of permanent damage or alteration to the portions of the subtle body or energy body as it is also known. Still other Vampires see as a the resulot of a mutation or some other genetic inheritance. However a small portion of the Vampire community maintains it is the result of a virus.
Psychic Vampires have four main ways of feeding they are Ambient, Surface, Contact, and Deep Need. Ambient feeding dose not take the energy of an individual person, but the energy naturally given off by strong emotions or large crowds. This energy that is given off is no longer attached to the individuals. So this is the least intrusive and most ethical way of feeding.
Surface feeding takes from the personal energy of an individual, but mainly it skims only the surface of their energy body, leaving their physical body untouched. Serface feeding can produce a moderate empathic connection with the person being feed on, but this quickly fades. Contact feeding is a more personal form of feeding, for it requires the feeder to physical touch the person being feed on. The physical contact tends to reinforce the emotional connection, thus forming links that last for a time, but do fade.
Deep feeding is the most profound way of feeding. The Psychic Vampire reaches deep into the person's energy. This style forges a connection between both partners that can linger over not just one life time, but many. For this reason, it is an exceptionally intimate style of feeding.
Psychic Vampires have a system called the Caste System. The Caste System is defined by the changes our subtle bodies bear the alteration influence, our sensitivity to, connection and interaction with energy. A person's caste is integral to the way they process energy. The Caste System has three main sections The Priest Caste, The Worrier Caste, and The Counselor Caste.
The Priest Caste have the greatest sensitvity to energy. This is both a weakness and a great strength. This Caste severd themselves from the Umbilical of the universe long ago. Because of this Priest must directly take energy to sustain their subtle powers.
The Worrier Caste are the least sensitive to energy. Because Warriors naturally shield against nearly all energies around them, this makes perception of energy very hard for them. However these self-same shields protect them from the hyper-sensitivity suffered by the Priest Caste as wall as make them impregnable to psychic attack.
The Counselor Caste engage in a constance interaction with the energy around them. They take energy in, alter it, then send it back into the natural flow. While Counselors need to take energy for themselves, their greatest need is to perpetuate the flow and to keep things connected. They can do this by surface and contact feeding.
As you can see Psychic Vampires are people that you might see everyday on the streets. They look like normal people. You might evern have one in your own family and not even know it. Psychic Vampires have a role in your lives just as you have a role in ours. We don't feed to hurt people, but because we have to. So next time you go to a pary or even the mall look around, you might find one of us...
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This is for all the people who don't understand what we are. I am a Psychic Vampire and I'm sick of all the bad info. out there. I would like to thank Michelle Belanger for writing The Psychic Vampire Codex it has given me so much insight on what I am and how to deal with the fear it gave me. Please feel free to comment if you'd like. BLESSED BE!!! )o(