Goodnight Kid

Tea And Biscuits

I was so confused about what had just happened and so worried about what would happen now. Tears were dripping down my face as I mourned the loss of my parents. I wasterrified about what would happen in the future. And my feet were freezing and wet.

It had been raining earlier, so the ground was soaking and cold on my bare feet. My leg was burning with pain from where the thing had tried to stop me escaping. And my head was killing from it's blow. My entire body was aching - it was battered and bruised like hell.
'Help! Please! Somebody!' My throat was becoming hoarse from my pleas. I kept looking behind me, in case the beast was following me.

I kept wandering through the street. crying me pleas of help for what felt like an aeon. I lost my sense of place and time - I had no idea where I was or how late it was.

Finally, when I saw the first rays of light on the horizon, a door opened and a man stepped out looking straight at me.
'Are you stupid?! Yelling like that! You could have attracted anything, you foolish boy!' He began shouting, before noticing my ripped pyjamas, the blood soaking me and the tear tracks running down my face. 'Oh,' he grunted, 'Come, it's OK. You're alright now. Just follow me in my house and we'll get you cleaned up.' He spoke gently and smiled kindly, beckoning me in. Well, what choice did I have? I complied and limped into the stranger's house.

The front door opened straight into the living room. As soon as I entered, I noticed the peculiar smell. It didn't smell like anything I knew, but it was very strong. The room had orange painted walls and brown, wooden beams crossing over all of them. There were brown curtains, drawn, that had strange designs on them. It had a dark wooden floor. The two brown sofas were put either side of a mahogany table, that was infront of a fireplace, but there was no fire in the grate. The man ushered me into the room and sat me down on one of the sofas.

'Would you like anything to eat or drink?' He asked, 'Some tea and biscuits perhaps?' He smiled grimly.