Random Facts

Random Facts - 10

I look at him and he smiles.

"I'm sorry Joe. I over reacted"

"Hey, it's ok. I did too...alot"

I lean against the wall and he leans towards me. My arms are around his neck & he has his around my waist. We put our foreheads together and I close my eyes, remembering another day.


I'm at Milberry Park, sitting on a swing. The wind blows my hair infront of my face and I look down. I sigh. feeling arms being wrapped me from behind. I look at the hands notice they are Billies. I lean back.

"Hey Joe"

"Hey, what are you doing out here? It's freezing. And it's going to be raining soon."

"You know me. I need to think about stuff"

"Yeah, but when it's cold? Come on! Lets go to my place! Tre & mike are there"



I'm now sitting on the floor and Billie is too, holding me.

"Jake...I know that this is going t sound weird right now but...I've had this bother me for the last 20 years and I need to say this before it's to late"

I turn my head to face him. He's only inches away.

"Yeah? What is it?"

He hesitates for a second, "Jake...I..."


He bites his bottom lip, "I...love you"

I stare into those eyes of his. "I love you too Joe"

He starts to smile, letting out a sigh. He kisses my cheek and I start to feel tired. I look at his clock and it says 10:20.

"Hey, it's pretty late. I'm going to go to sleep. Pretty worn out."


We get up and he walks me to my room, holding my hand. I turn around his lips touch mine, giving me a soft, gentle kiss. He pulls away and stares in my eyes. I look down, smiling. He smiles back.

"No eye contact."

I look up at him, biting my lip now,"No eye contact...Goodnight Billie."

"Night Kyliee"

He turns around, putting his hands in his black, plaid pj pants. I go into my room, laying down on my bed, smililng like crazy.

"He loves me!"