Random Facts

Random Facts - 6

I hid my face into the floor, not wanting to look at Billie.

"Jake, what are you doing?!...How long have you been there..Did you-"

I shoot my head up to see him standing right infront of me, looking down.

"Yes BJ, I've heard everything, okay?! So?! You've liked me for 20 years...20!! And never even TRIED to ask me?! Dude...no"

I get up and look right at him.

"You know...I liked you and still like you! I also know you remeber the time when we were at the park"

He looks at me with hurt eyes. I'm about to cry. I turn and start to walk out but he grabs my arm.


I sniff and slighty turned my head.

"No...Billie, you've had your chance and you blew it when we were 16..."

I yank my arm out of his hand and run back to my room. I lock the door and my cell starts to ring. The tone plays the Transplants, Diamonds and guns. I smile and know it could only be one person, Tim. I answer.


"Hey Jake, what's up?"

"Chilling. How about you?"

"Uh, do you want to go to a club with me and Blink?"

I smile happily.

"Sure! I'd love to!"

I know he's also smiling. I could tell from how he starts to talk.

"Alright! We'll pick you up at around...4:00 ok?"

"That's good"

"Alright, bye"


We hang up and I starte squeling and jumping up and down.

FF TO 3:02

I took a shower, blow dryed my hair, put mascara, eyeliner, clear lip-gloss, and a very light green eyeshadow. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh.

This is going to be a great night. I feel pretty, oh so pretty!

I walk out of the bathroom and go into my closet. I take out a knee high gothic like skirt and a dark red and black striped tank top. I pull out one more item. My knee high combat boots. Or, what Tre likes to call them, my hooker boots.

By the time ai'm done, it's already 3:35. Before I go downstairs, I take my cellphone and head down. I go into the kitchen and Tre's looking for food. Mike's wacthing tv and Billie is still in his room.

"How do I look?"

Tre looks up sand says, "Who are you whoring tonight?"

I gasp at him."I'm not a whore! I'm going on a date!"

He raises and eyebrow and Mike pops his head in .

Mike-"Oh really? With who? A pimp?"

"Haha, funny you. No, Tim"

I walk over to the couch and sit down. Tre and Mike look at each other then walk over to me.

Tre-"Tim who?!"

"Armstrong ring a bell?"

Mike-"Your dating him?!"

"No! I'm just going to a club with him and the Blink guys"


Mike looks at me and Tre walks off.

"Does Billie know?"

I give him a glare. "No, and why should he?"

"Well, I don't know. He might care or worry about you"

"Yeah well, too bad"

It's now 3:56 and the doorbell rings. I jump up, open the door and see...