Status: Hiatus

Me and My Otomen Brother

Brother's Concern

Hibari yawned, sat calmly on his black-leathery chair. He looked out from the window. He still remembers when he accidentally kissed Azusa. She pushed him and ran away. The next day, she walked to her class and bumped him. Hibari kissed her again and then they were officially in a relationship.

A knock interrupted his reminiscence. It annoyed Hibari a little bit. The door opened.

“What do you want?” asked Hibari without looking.

“I’m Azusa’s stepbrother.”

“What about her?” this time, Hibari looked serious. That boy stared at Hibari with his sharp eyes. He went to Hibari’s desk.

“You’re not from Namimori. I’ll bite you to death if you’re still here.” Hibari felt so annoyed. He hit the boy with his tonfa. The boy didn’t move a bit from the blow, still he bled.

“What a not manly person. Hit a person with childish reason.” Said that figure, let out his manly personality.

Hibari was a little surprised. That-Azusa's-stepbrother should’ve been unconscious on the floor. Definitely not a herbivore.

“What do you want?” It was very annoying for him to repeat the same question.

“Do you love her?” asked that boy, leaned to the sofa behind him. Hibari grunted, “What do you think?”

“Why did you break up with her, then?”

Hibari went silent. The boy left the disciplinary room with a slam on the door.



Azusa ran to her bloody brother who stood in front of door. Asuka smiled, and wiped his wounds with his hand. She’s right, that boy is strong, thought Asuka.

“Just lay on the sofa, I’ll treat your wound.” Azusa went to her room and brought a cutter.

“No! Don’t ever treat me with your blood!” Refused Asuka, as she was about to cut her hand.

Azusa stared him with questions, “Why? Didn’t I use to treat you with my power?”

“Appreciate yourself, Azusa. Don’t hurt yourself just to treat me. Band-Aid will be fine.” Asuka hold Azusa’s hand. Azusa dropped her cutter and put her head on his chest. A drop of tears glided on her cheek.

“Hibari… had said the same thing to me. Maybe that’s why…He wants this to be over.”

Asuka sighed. He caressed Azusa’s hair.

“There’s a girl, she is a transferred student.” Azusa listened to Asuka, probably he wanted to chat about his crush.

“She’s so beautiful, strong minded, and plain. She doesn't mind me being an otomen.” He continued.

“Mostly girls couldn’t do girls’ thing like you do.” Azusa said. “You’re perfect of what you are, Asuka. You’re a good chef, a great crafter, a shoujo manga freak…”

“What was that supposed to mean, shoujo manga freak?” Asuka asked grumpily.

Azusa laughed. Asuka relieved that she’s back to her true-self. He remembered Hibari’s face.

Hibari's going to kill me after what happened earlier