The Wakko Werewolves

Chapter 11

Tyler and I were breathless and Beth and Amy were speechless. The thing that caused Tyler to step on the breaks was a very bloody Kyle. He wore torn clothes and he held onto the hood of the car.

He ran around the car and knocked at the driver door.

"Let me in!" he cried.

"No you can't be alive!" Tyler yelled.

"The wolves are coming!" he cried and beat on the door.

"No way, he might come in here and kill us!" Amy cried.

"Please let me in!" Kyle pleaded and kept looking behind him.

"Don't do it." I said.

He ignored me and opened the door.

"Why did you do that?" Amy asked.

Kyle climbed in and Tyler moved over.

"Because Cassie's in here!" he said.

"Thank you so much, I owe you dude!" Kyle said.

Just then Jessica in wolf form attacked Kyle's arm right when he was about to slam the door. We screamed and he pulled at her fangs and she let go and he slammed the door and drove down the road. The scent of blood filled the car.

"How the hell did you survive? Steve thought you were dead!" Tyler asked.

"I was bitten but fought and got away. I bumped into Ted one of the cabin directors in the woods. He got me to safety. He told me that he's one of the few cabin directors that knew about the wolves." Kyle said.

"Why don't they tell anyone?" I asked.

"Would anyone believe you if you told them werewolves exist anyway the camp covers it up. That's why they allowed kids to sneak out of camp. Those who sneaked out would get attacked those who stayed would be okay until the wolves found them." he said.

"What happened to Ted?" Tyler asked.

"While helping me escape camp he got attacked and killed." Kyle said turning onto a side road.

"What about everyone else at camp did they get help?" Amy asked.

"Yeah right, everyone else at camp are either dead or werewolves." he said.

"Are you kidding me that's like a hundred kids." I said.

"Yeah. It's not the first camp it happened to." he said.

"The Sunnydale fat camp." Beth said.

"Yeah how did you know?" he asked.

"A kid wrote a letter about the wolves there." Tyler said.

"Hey what happened to Steve?" Kyle asked.

"I tried to save him." I said sorrowfully.

"Doesn't matter as long as we're all safe." Kyle said.

"But for how long?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know, we need to find a safe house. Ted told me there's a house right around here. I was eavesdropping when I heard your voice on the walkie talkie. That explains why I was trying to run and get to you before Jackie and Jessica did." Kyle said.

"What happened to them anyway?" I asked.

"The wolves got to them." he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked again.

"After you're bitten by a werewolf, they want you to join them. Making them stronger." he said.

"What happens if you join?" Tyler asked.

"Ted told me you lose your humanity and work only on instinct." Kyle said.

I looked at him and swallowed hard.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"It's ten minutes to eight." Amy said.

"Crap one more hour. He said we should be there within the hour." he said.

I looked over at Kyle and noticed through his sweat that he was running a high fever like I was if that's the case he was beginning to turn into a werewolf. It wouldn't be long before we sprout fur and fangs and kill everyone in the car. Not to say that I would do something like that anyway.