The Wakko Werewolves

Chapter 12

Kyle pulled into a farm. He drove up the road and dust flew into the air. He turned off the car and the only lights came from inside of the house. He sighed.

"We're here, go inside and get help." he said.

"How do we know they'll help us?" Tyler asked.

Kyle got out and let Tyler crawl out.

"I don't, just tell them we're in trouble." he said and hugged his stomach.

I sat in the seat and held my stomach and opened the door. I stumbled out of the car crawling around on all fours towards Kyle's side. Amy and Beth got out.

"You guys don't look so good." Amy said.

"It's the full moon." Kyle said bending over.

"It's coming, fast." I said falling to my knees.

I saw Tyler run back to us and held a big woman in a pink lumber jack's shirt, a pair of tight cropped jeans, and a flash light in hand walked towards us.

"What's wrong?" Tyler asked me.

"The moon." I growled at him.

"Oh dear you poor children. You need to get into the house now." the woman said.

She guided us into her house. Tyler held me and the woman helped Kyle.

"Thanks for helping us." Amy said.

"No problem. I knew something was going on when children were the kids from the fat camp went missing and no one did anything about it. Come quickly go to my basement." she said.

We went to her basement and she turned on the lights. When I looked up. It looked like a weird medieval dungeon layer.

"What is this place?" I asked her.

"It's to strap down werewolves. Don't worry, it won't hurt you it's just a precaution." she said and guided me to a bed.

"Just lie down and relax." she said.

"What are you going to do to her?" Amy asked.

"Just strap her in. I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I understand you're scared and that means you're more likely to kill even your friends." she said.

She hand cuffed my hands and my ankles and then strapped me down with a large leather strap over my stomach.

"Can you help me with your other friend?" she asked Tyler.

He nodded.

Kyle laid down in the other bed. He was starting to growl out. I looked at Amy and Beth and tried to sit up.

I lied back down and gasped for air. I felt like I was being suffocated.

"I don't like this let me out." I said.

"I can't." the woman said.

"I don't like this either, let me go, I'm not going to hurt anyone." Kyle said.

She finished strapping him down. I could feel the rising full moon and my body began to burn. I felt like I was on fire. I screamed out and cried. She had a bucket of water and a cold rag by the bed and she dabbed the sweat off me.