The Wakko Werewolves

Chapter 14

"Oh my gosh what are we going to do?" Beth asked.

"I don't want to die." Amy said and we looked at Kathy.

She went into drawers and pulled the open.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" she asked Amy.

"Uh point and shoot?" Amy asked.

"Good girl, this is how you load one." she said and showed Amy.

"I don't know if we should use weapons." Beth said.

"Honey if you want to live you'll need this." she said and handed Beth a rifle.

She held it in her shaky arms.

"My mom's going to freak if she sees me with this." Beth said.

I got up and ran to the window.

Kathy was showing Tyler how to load a rifle.

"Uh guys." I started.

"What?" Kyle asked and ran to the window next to me.

"They destroyed the car?" I said.

"Holy crap." Amy said looking through the window.

The car's windows were broken into, the seats clawed and the engine gutted.

"Evil wolf mechanics." Kyle said.

"Do we get guns?" I asked.

"I don't have enough. You'll be fighting tooth and nail if you know what I mean." she said.

I heard growling and the sound of broken glass coming from the kitchen. Then I heard loud screaming from Kathy.

We ran into the kitchen and saw as a wolf pulled her through. Amy tried to shoot the wolf but it slipped out with Kathy's large body. We heard more glass shattering and a wolf ran in and ran into the kitchen.

I screamed and Tyler started to shoot at it. I backed into the kitchen sink and a wolf broke through the glass and bit my shoulder. I cried out. Kyle turned around.

"Cassie!" he yelled.

"Kyle help!" I cried clawing at the wolf's mouth.

Kyle found a butcher knife and jammed it into the wolves head and it let go of me and died. He hugged me.

"Go to the attic!" Tyler yelled.

Beth, Amy, and Tyler ran to the attic. Kyle and I followed as a another wolf ran towards us.

Kyle and I sprinted up the stairs. But the wolf grabbed my ankle and pulled and shook.

"Kyle!" I screamed as I slid down the stairs.

He turned around.

"Cassandra!" he growled and then leaped down the stairs and onto the wolf. He bit the wolf's neck and he let go of my ankle. I scuttled up the stairs and turned around as Kyle slammed the wolf onto his back and bit into his neck again. The scent of blood filled my nostrils and Kyle pulled his bloody lips away from it.

He looked at me with glowing yellow eyes and ran up the stairs.

"Can you walk?" he asked me.

I shook my head.

He helped me up as another wolf found it's way into the house. He pushed me up the ladder and then I helped him up.

We pulled the ladder up together just as the jaws of the first wolf snapped at us. We slammed the attic door shut. We panted and turned around.

"Let me see your ankle." Kyle said.

"It's broken." I said.

He pulled up the jeans leg and I growled out in pain.

"That hurts." I cried.

"I'm sorry, you need to realign it so that it heals correctly." he said.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

Before he answered he snapped my ankle back into place. I swore to the top of my lungs and passed out.