The Wakko Werewolves

Chapter 16

I felt so horrible about leaving Kyle to the wolves. I should have gotten out and saved him. I mean he saved me so many times. I know he'll never forgive me. If I ever see him again.

"How much money do we have?" Tyler asked.

We scraped up whatever money we had in our pockets. Lucky for us, I kept money in my bra. An old trick my mom taught. I never knew that was going to help me.

"I have ten bucks." I said pulling out the money that seemed to survive a werewolf transformation and bloody fights.

"Okay what about you Beth?" Tyler asked.

"Fifteen, it was for lunch at camp." Beth said and shrugged.

"Amy?" Tyler asked.

"I got eleven." she said and pulled off her sneaker and took out the money.

We looked at her and I thought my money hiding place was weird.

"What I always keep money in my shoes." she said.

"I have twenty." Tyler said.

"That's fifty-six bucks for gas and snacks or whatever. Where are we going exactly?" I asked.

"Kathy told us of this place called the Blue Moon. Some guy named John is suppose to help us there." Tyler said taking our money.

"And where is the Blue Moon. I can look it up on my GPS on my phone." Beth said.

"Your phone still works?" Amy asked.

"It has two bars. The reception will die as soon as I leave this spot." she said.

"We'll have to get a map then." Tyler said and sighed.

I crossed my arms and sniffed the air.

"We should hurry. I don't like being in the woods at this time of night." I said.

"I understand what you mean." Tyler said.

It's been ten hours since we left Kathy's barn and as far as we know it's as good as gone.

I climbed back into the truck and heard a howl. I swallowed hard.

"Werewolf?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, you should definitely start driving now." I said and slammed the door.

We squeezed in the front of the truck together. Tyler started the truck and we were gone in a flash. I looked into the trees as he drove past them. My eyes glowed yellow and I could see the glowing red figures of something following us.

I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Amy asked.

"Nothing." I said.

Tyler pulled into a gas station. He ran in to pay for gas while I stretched my legs. My ankle was as fine as can be. Tyler came back and handed Beth the map and he pumped gas.

Beth and Amy looked at the map and the GPS on her phone. I looked at the group of trees and they started to shake. I was expecting a wolf to run out but it was just a raccoon with a bag in it's mouth. My stomach growled and I turned away.

"When do you think we could get something to eat?" I asked.

"You're hungry?" Amy asked.

"I could eat." I said.

"Do you think for the sake of money, that maybe you could find a meal in the woods?" Tyler asked.

"What you mean raw meat, don't you know you could get sick from that?" I asked.

"You're a werewolf Cassie, you've been munching on other wolves and even ate stale jerky since we left camp." Amy said.

"That doesn't mean I like my meals under cooked." I said.

"Just try it maybe you like it. I'm still full from breakfast." Tyler said.

"I hate being the animal." I said.

"Since that's your only pair of clothing maybe you should strip." Amy suggested.

"How degrading. You guys wait here. I'll be right back." I said.

"We'll wait." Tyler said.

I ran behind a tree away from them and stripped down. I had my eyes on a raccoon.

"Come here little raccoon." I whispered and dropped to all fours.

Tyler sat in the truck and fumbled with the radio.

"I hope she hurries up." Beth said.

"How long does it take for a wolf to hunt?" Amy asked.

"She's a werewolf so the first thing she sees should be scared to death." Tyler said and finally giving up on the ancient radio.

"Let me try." Amy said and kicked the radio.

The dial spun and then some hip-hop music started to play.

"How did you do that?" Beth asked.

"I have the magic foot." Amy said.

"I'm going to go get Cassandra this is taking too long." Tyler said and getting out of the truck.

He walked towards the trees where I was and started to think of a way to call for me. I started to hear a weird whistling sound.

"If that's Tyler I'll kill him." I growled and stood up.

I heard a sound and spun around. My eyes grew large and I gasped.

"Cassandra?" Tyler asked when he heard a weird sound.