The Wakko Werewolves

Chapter 18

Beth told us that the Blue Moon was located in the county of West Branch. She said that it would be an hour drive. Well since we didn't know our way around Montana that well besides school, home, and work. We were pretty much lost.

Beth and Amy stood in the front of the truck using the headlights to look at the map to see if Amy took a wrong exit. Tyler was standing at the side of the truck with the rifle to make sure that we wouldn't have any unwanted distractions.

Kyle crawled over to me and placed his hand on my thigh.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I like you." he said.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"But doesn't Tyler like me and aren't you two friends?" I asked.

Kyle looked back at Tyler and shrugged.

"All in all Tyler's a great guy but I think I could be a better guy for you." he said and held my cheek. His hand was warm. I looked up into the sky.

"Does the moon always seem full to you here?" I asked him.

"It's beautiful isn't it, like you." he said.

I blushed turning red. Actually I think a fever was coming over me. He leaned in and kissed me. He stuck his tongue into my mouth and rubbed it all over then he pulled away. And looked at me with glowing yellow eyes.

"Oh, I was suppose to get off at exit 3B, my bad." Amy said.

"I told you." Beth said.

Kyle pulled away and leaned back. I looked at him and he smiled and wink.

"What are you guys doing?" Tyler asked putting the gun back and then hopping in with us.

"Nothing." Kyle and I said.

Tyler raised an eyebrow and looked at us. Amy started the truck and we were back on the road.

An hour later we were pulling up to a bar with blue neon lights and a giant blue moon with the words Blue Moon written on it.

"Must be the Blue Moon." Amy said.

"What was your first guess?" Beth asked.

We climbed out of the truck. Kyle held my waist as I jumped down. Tyler squinted his eyes and I could sense anger from Tyler.

"Thanks." I said to Kyle and cleared my hair from my face and rubbed my neck and followed Amy and Beth to the bar. Beth held the door open for us as we walked in.

Since the bar was in the middle of nowhere I was pretty sure that it would be completely empty but there was about four people there. A bartender, two muscular men playing pool, and another strange man taking swigs of a bottle of beer.

We walked up to the bartender who was eying us. We're probably the youngest people he's seen in here.

"I don't serve young people." he said.

"We need some help." I said.

"If you keep going down I-5 you'll hit a visitor center other than that you need to leave." he said.

I sighed. Kyle seemed annoyed by the bartender's ranting. He slammed his hands on the counter.

"Look buddy my friends and I are in serious need of assistance and unless you know where John is, I advice you to stop playing these damn games!" Kyle growled.

"I'm not afraid of some punk, kid." the bartender said.

Kyle reached over the counter and clawed at the bartender. I pulled at his feet.

"Kyle don't!" I growled.

That's when the guy drinking his beer got up and grabbed Kyle by the shoulder and pulled him back over the counter.

"Hey what's your deal man?" Kyle growled.

"You must not know who I am." the grizzly looking man said.

"And you must not know what I am." Kyle growled.

"Werewolf I presume, if you know what's best for you, I advice you to leave my bartender alone or you'll be one sick puppy when I'm through with you." the man said.

I stepped forward pulling at Kyle's tense arms.

"We're looking for John." I said.

"You're speaking to him." he said.

"You're John?" Tyler asked stepping forward.

"In the flesh. I own this place, I'm guessing Kathy sent you, how is she by the way?" he asked.

"Probably swimming in the intestines of some local wolf." Amy said quietly.

"Oh they got to her, it was a matter of time. I warned her. What can I do you for?" he asked.

"Well Mr. John..." I started.

"Not Mr. John, John please, how about we go to my office." he said.

"Office?" Tyler asked.

He guided us to the back of the bar. The bartender looked at Kyle with fearful eyes and I saw Kyle smirk. We followed John down the stairs it was pitch black dark but with my nocturnal vision I could see everything as clear as day.

"I can't see." Beth whined.

"Sorry." John said and turned on the lights. We looked around, half of the room was a tattoo parlor and the other half looked like the lab to a mad scientist's movie. On the wall were news clippings and stories about wolves, and missing and murdered people. There were pictures of decapitated bodies, bloody limbs and pictures of dead wolves in mid human transformation. I shivered. Kyle just stared at the pictures and seemed untouched by them.

"This is your office?" Tyler asked.

"It's a work in progress, I had to fix it up after a run in with a couple of wolves a few weeks ago." he said.

"What were wolves doing in here?" I asked sniffing the air. Besides the scent of the ink from the tattoos and John's own musky scent. I could smell the wolves there was at least three large males here.

"They were looking for the cure of course." he said.

"You have the cure?" I asked him.

"Developing it but I don't have it just yet." he said.

"So why would they attack you if you didn't have what they wanted?" Kyle asked crossing his arms and leaning on the counter.

"Because, the werewolves, at least the changed ones don't want the cure. You see I've been in this business a long time and I can tell the difference between a wolf who wants the cure and one who wants to destroy it." he said.

"The ones that want the cure are good right?" I asked.

"There's no such thing as good werewolves." John said.

"What are you talking about, Cassandra and Kyle are good?" Amy said.

"For now, as soon as you're captured by the wolves they mess with you. They won't be the same person when they come back." John said.

"Kyle got captured and he's fine." I said looking at him.

"Yeah." Kyle said and smiled.

John got up and walked towards him. Kyle frowned.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, maybe you have stronger will power than most. Anyway, I'm guessing you're in need of help." John said.

"Yeah, we need to cure Kyle, and Cassandra and stop the wolves in Wakko." Tyler said.

"We need to kill two birds with one stone." Amy said.

"So you can help us?" I asked him.

"The cure of course is as much as a myth as the where abouts of the Loch Ness Monster. As far as I know it may not even work." he said.

"What!" I said and frowned.

"I just need one more ingredient which may be difficult to find." he said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Have you ever heard of wolfbane?" he asked.

"Wolfbane, is it a drug or something?" Tyler asked.

"It's a plant." Kyle said.

"Right, it has many different names and it's used to fight Lycanthropy." John said.

"And that is?" Amy asked.

"Werewolf syndrome, a mental disorder or the change as we call it." John said.

"Who is we exactly?" Beth asked.

"We are all the werewolf hunters in Montana." he said.

"Wait you're a hunter?" Kyle asked.

"Yes I am, that's why you shouldn't push my buttons." he said.

Kyle took a step back.

"Then why are you helping us if you hunt werewolves?" I asked.

"You're just kids I can see, and there looks like there's hope for at least one of you. Anyway I need a wolf in order to test the wolfbane." he said.

"What does the wolfbane does to werewolves?" I asked him.

"If a high concentration hits the blood stream it could kill the wolf, if a little hits the blood stream, it may cause a wolf to go through the change faster, and I'm on the verge of meeting the median. I've done enough research to see that it'll work, at least for you two I hope." he said.

I looked at Kyle and everyone else.

"So where do we find wolfbane?" I asked him.

"First you'll need the help of one of my trusted partners Catherine. She likes to be called Cat though." he said.

"Where can we find her?" Beth asked.

He walked to his large table and dug through some papers and then handed Beth the address from a card.

"This is her address." he said.

"She's in New York?" Beth asked in disbelief.

"There is something else I believe you should do before leaving here." he said.

"What?" I asked.

"The only way to make sure that you're safe is to burn Camp Wakko down." he said.

"What!" we cried.

"It's a breeding ground for werewolves, the sooner you burn it the better." John said.

"How are we going to do that?" Amy asked.

Tyler stepped forward.

"I did learn how to make a cocktail once." he said.

"We're not talking about frilly girl drinks." Kyle said.

"No you idiot when you fill a bottle with gasoline and put a rag in it and set the other side of the rag on fire you get an explosion." he said.

"Okay so if we go along with this little murderous escapade then what?" I asked.

"Head to Cat's and she'll help you the rest of the way." John said.

"Wait, what about our parents?" Beth asked.

"Yeah my mom and dad." I said to John.

He frowned and sighed.

"I hate to say this but it would be best if your parents believed you died in the explosion." he said.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"It's for their safety and yours. If the cure doesn't work, I don't think you would want to go back home as werewolves." he said.

I frowned my stomach tied into knots. I didn't have time to worry about it because soon there was a loud sound coming from outside the door and a loud blood curling scream.