The Wakko Werewolves

Chapter 23

Tyler, Beth, and Amy pulled the stuff out of the truck and ran it into the house. I scanned the area using my new sense to see warm blooded animals. However, all I saw was a cat, a tiny mouse inside of the barn. And the remains of a freshly killed cow. Which made my stomach growl.

"See anything?" Tyler asked me.

I turned to him and saw his body glowing red. I blinked and saw him and shook my head.

"No, I'll keep my eyes open though." I said to him.

We ran into the house and after closing the door. Amy pushed the couch in front of the house. The smell of death was still strong in the house even though the wolves did a good job of cleaning the remains.

"Cassandra can you help me with this?" Beth asked trying to push a bookshelf.

"Yeah." I said.

I pulled one side of it and she fell onto the ground.

"Sorry." I said to her as I pulled it in front of the broken window.

"Every thing's blocked, how do we get out again?" Amy asked.

"Worry about that later, can you guys help me with this?" Tyler asked.

"I'll stay and keep watch." I said.

"Okay." Tyler said.

I stood by one of the windows and stared out of it. My eyes scanned the farm again nothing. I sighed and watched as Tyler, Beth, and Amy ripped open the fire crackers and put the contents into a bowl. I turned back to the window. Then I heard a weird creak. I jumped and turned towards the stairs.

"What was that?" I asked them.

"What?" Tyler asked they looked up at me.

Amy grabbed the rifle lying next to her.

"It could've been nothing." I said and walked towards the stairs.

"I thought you said there was no wolves?" Beth asked.

"I thought so too." I said and sniffed the air.

I ran up the stairs and heard the creaking again. I looked around and then I found where the creaks were coming from. I stood in front of the door and I smelt death, but now it seemed to go away. Someone knocked on the door and cried for help.

I opened it and I saw the person fall out. I gasped and backed away.

"S-Steve how the hell?" I asked.

"Cassie, I was looking for you. I needed your help." he said and coughed gasping for air.

"I saw you die." I said.

"I wasn't dead, unconscious. I don't know how I got here. You got to help me." he said his face was so sad.

"Who is it?" Amy asked and ran up the stairs followed by Tyler and Beth.

They gasped and I sensed fear. Steve got up and hugged his stomach.

"Steve I thought you were dead?" Tyler said quietly.

Steve started to groan and he leaned against the wall.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

He slammed his hand into the wall and I saw claws grow.

"They changed him!" Amy cried and held the gun up.

He growled and turned to me and then he grabbed me and held a claw to my throat.

"Shoot us!" he growled.

"No!" I gagged.

Amy held the gun as Steve used me as a shield.

"Steve what happened man?" Tyler asked.

"After I was bitten the wolves came back, saw I was dead and changed me. Gave me new life. They told me to wait for you to come back. You idiots actually did." he said and laughed.

"You're crazy man!" Amy said.

"Yeah, crazy, but at least I got Cassandra. You're coming back with me." he growled.

I clawed at his arm.

"No, I'm not!" I growled and bit into his flesh.

He roared in anger and pushed me into the wall. I hit my head hard and fell back.

"You bitch!" he growled.

"Shoot Amy!" Tyler said.

Steve looked at Amy and smiled.

"Yeah shoot." he growled.

Amy shot him twice. He fell back against the wall and laughed. New skin grew in place as the bullets fell to the ground.

"How is that possible?" Amy asked.

"What werewolves are invincible too?" Beth asked.

I lifted my head and then rubbed it and I looked at Steve. He was getting ready to leap for Amy who was out of bullets.

"I haven't eaten in a while. I wonder how Amy tastes?" Steve growled and then leaped for her.

With speed I never knew I had. I tackled Steve to the ground and bit into his neck. He gagged. I held my position even though he clawed at my arms. He gasped one last time and then closed his eyes.

I pulled his throat out to make sure it didn't heal itself and to make sure he didn't get back up. I dropped it and panted blood dripped from my lips and I licked my fangs and stared at his face. I looked back at Beth, Amy, and Tyler.

"Get back to work!" I growled.

"Right." they said and ran back down the stairs.

I looked back at Steve's body wondering what I should do with it. Eating it was one thing but I guess not the best thing to do at the moment. I opened the closet door and stuck him in it and slammed it shut. I ran to Kathy's bathroom and washed my face and mouth. I scrapped my tongue with my nails to get the taste of blood out of them but it was difficult to. I found a new shirt in her room. One that probably belonged to someone that wasn't her because it fit well and I ran back down the stairs. Tyler, Beth, and Amy were working faster than ever.

I looked at them and then ran to the window. I looked out it. I could sense them.

"They're coming back." I said and spun around.

"We're almost done." Tyler said.

I pushed the couch from in front of the door.

"We need to get into the truck now!" Amy said holding some of the bottles.

Beth carried the rest of bottles filled with the contents of gasoline and the fire cracker powders and followed Amy into the truck.

"Come on Tyler!" I yelled.

He grabbed a box filled with some other stuff and ran into the truck.

"How do you know it's going to work?" Amy asked him.

I ran into the truck as Beth started it. The wolves were coming now. I saw them charging at least five wolves the size of grizzly bears. With angry eyes glowing red. I looked at Tyler.

"Test one!" he said and took one of the bottles. He had a lighter and lit the cloth hanging out of it drenched in gasoline. It flamed up and then he threw the bottle at the wolves. As Beth drove away. It smashed into a rock and a large explosion came from it. The sound popped my ears and we ducked. Dust covered the area and Then a fire grew where he threw it.

"That definitely worked." I said trying to loosen my ear drums.