The Wakko Werewolves

Chapter 5

I started to feel feverish. It was subtle at first but then I started to feel really sick. Tyler found a thermometer from the first aid kit and took my temperature. I laid back against the wall as everyone crowded and waited for the result.

"It says that anything over ninety-eight point one is abnormal." Kyle said reading the box.

Tyler took the thermometer from my mouth.

"What does it say about anything over one hundred fifty?" he asked.

"One fifty?" I gasped.

"Um well anything over one ten usually means death?" Kyle said looking at me funny.

"That's what I thought. You need to cool down." Tyler said to me.

"I would love to but I can't. Can rabies really set in this fast?" I asked.

"I read in a book that you could live for three weeks and not notice the symptoms until it's too late." Steve said.

"How about cold water?" Amy suggested.

"That's a good idea get Cassandra some water." Tyler said.

"I'm tired, it's almost three a.m." Jessica whined.

I was so glad she felt bad about my condition. Not!

"Uh can you guys get some cots?" he asked Steve and Kyle.

"Sure." they said and got up.

I watched as Jessica dragged her tired body towards Beth and Jackie.

"Is there a restroom?" she asked Tyler.

"In the back it's dark." he said.

"Can you guys come with me?" she asked Jackie and Beth.

"I guess." Jackie said.

"Sure I have to go too." Beth said.

Tyler and I were left alone. Amy searched for running water which seemed like an impossible task.

I looked at Tyler and smiled.

"Seems like the fun ended early?" I asked him tiredly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry you're sick." he said and touched my cheek.

"It should be expected. My first night at camp and I'm the first one getting sick." I said and laughed uncomfortably.

"Well at least I finally get to hang out with you." he said and smiled.

"How long did you wait?" I asked him.

"Since eight grade ended." he said.

"I never knew you liked me." I said to him.

"I think you liked Erin at the time or still like him." he said.

"Whoa stalker." I said and giggled.

He held back a laugh.

"Do you still do that snort laugh?" I asked him.

"No, of course not." he said.

I reached out and caught him off guard and tickled him. He started to laugh and begged me to stop but I kept going. Then he started to snort and I couldn't help but laugh. That's when I heard someone yelling and then a growl.

Steve ran up the stairs from the basement and slammed the door and locked it.

"What happened where's Kyle!" Tyler asked him.

"He, he's gone. A wolf broke through and dragged him out. I tried to save him honest!" Steve cried.

Tyler ran to the door and opened it then slammed it shut and locked it the wolf had just left.

Tyler shook his head and held it.

"No he was my best friend how could this have happened!" he cried.

"Tyler what happened I heard cries?" Amy asked.

She didn't find the water but came back for a soft drink for me and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said to her.

"They took him." Tyler said quietly sliding down the door and holding his head.

I frowned. The other girls joined us. They heard everything and seemed to sympathize with Tyler all but Jessica.

"You didn't get the cots, oh just great where are we going to sleep now?" she asked.

We looked at her in disbelief and she crossed her arms.

I just shook my head in shame.