The Wakko Werewolves

Chapter 6

Kyle was gone and everyone no matter how sad we were about the events going on were so tired that we decided to crash together. All seven of us found an area to sleep in the cabin. The doors and windows were blocked, barricaded and boarded. I tossed and turned. Between dreams filled with werewolf attacks and Samson's cold dead body and the fever I was having it made it difficult for me to get back to sleep.

I woke up and and looked around. Everything was blurry and I couldn't tell if the sun was up or what. I got up and stepped over Beth and Jessica who were wrapped in blankets and went to the bathroom.

There was no water but there was a bottle of hand sanitizer near the mirror. I washed my hands using that and then looked up and saw my reflexion. I screamed.

Everyone shot awake.

"Cassandra!" Tyler said.

They got out and ran to the bathroom.

"What happened!" Amy asked.

"Is there a wolf inside?" Steve cried.

Amy went in closer for a look.

I grabbed her shirt with clawed hands and she screamed. I pulled her into the bathroom and slammed the door back.

"We'll save you Amy!" Tyler said.

Amy looked at me and gasped.

"What happened to you?" she asked.

I looked in the mirror again.

"I don't know, it just happened last night. I think I'm turning." I said to her.

"What are you going to do? What if you turn into a wolf and kill us all?" Amy asked.

That moment the door burst opened and Tyler and Steve cried out when they saw me.

"Wh-what the hell?" they yelled.

Everyone else ran in and I heard gasps.

"Thank you, so much for saving us." I said sarcastically and crossed my arms.

"You... you have fangs." Steve said.

"Good boy very observant of you." I said and looked back at my hands.

They were furry and had claws but then they disappeared and so did the fangs and fur around my face. Light shined through the tiny window of the bathroom.

"It's all gone." Amy said.

"How?" Beth asked.

"The sun's up." Jackie said.

"Eeww you're a dog now?" Jessica asked.

"Dog no. Call me that again and I'll bite you." I growled.

Everyone looked at me worriedly.

"Kidding." I said quietly.

"What are we going to do now that you're a... a..." Steve was looking for the word.

"Werewolf." Amy said and looked at me.

"Yeah, are you going to kill us?" Steve asked.

"I don't think so, maybe it was just last night. I feel better, a little hungry though." I said.

"Maybe we should get you something to eat just in case." Tyler said.

"Yeah and get out of this restroom." Jessica said and wrinkled her nose.

I rolled my eyes.

A few minutes later. I was sitting in front of the stash of snacks and held a bag of chips above my head catching them in my mouth hungrily and chewing them.

"Any more?" I asked closing the bag.

"Last one." Steve said and tossed it to me.

I opened the bag and did the same thing as the last bag.

"I can't deal with this I need to leave." Jessica said shaking her head.

"You can't leave what if the wolves are still out?" Steven asked.

"It's daylight anyway we may get in trouble." Jessica said.

"You know she's right." Jackie said standing up.

"You shouldn't leave." Tyler said.

"We have a better chance of McGreedy eating us then being killed in the woods." Jessica said pointing to me.

"Hey I'm not greedy, just a little hungry." I said licking the salt off my lips.

She gave me a smug look.

"Listen, Jackie and I are going for help, if you guys want to stay here. I'm not staying here for the rest of the night." Jessica said walking towards the door.

"I'm warning you guys we don't stick together they'll pick us off one by one." Tyler said getting up.

Jessica pushed the desk out of the way.

"I think we'll take our chances." she said.

I got up and brushed off.

"Coming?" she asked Jackie.

I walked towards them.

"You don't have to go." I told them.

"You'll probably eat us." Jessica mumbled.

I ignored that comment.

"We'll promise to come back as soon as we get help." Jackie said quietly and then waved to us Jessica smirked at me and then closed the door.

I frowned and looked back at Steve, Amy, Beth, and Tyler and sighed.