The Wakko Werewolves

Chapter 8

We stood on the other side of the door. Only a short sprint away was the safety of a bunker. For all we know it could be infested with werewolves or just an empty gutted out cabin.

"Ready?" Tyler asked.

We nodded. I opened the door.

"Run!" I yelled and Tyler ran out followed by Steve and Amy and Beth. I followed close behind them.

The wolves were closing in on us so I really wanted them to speed it up. I knew I could run much faster. I knew that I could out run them and save myself, but that would leave them defenseless. Tyler made it up the stairs and tested the door to the bunker. He pushed it open.

"It's open. Come on!" he yelled.

I was almost up the stairs when my foot was caught by the wolf. Steve stopped and turned around to help.

"Cassandra!" he yelled.

"Go inside!" I yelled as the wolf dragged me away from the cabin. I couldn't believe it was happening to me again. Just my luck.

I was so furious. I flipped onto my back and saw the wolves head. I pulled at it's fur and it cried out letting go of me. I turned and ran to the bunker. But the wolf leaped onto my back. I fell to the ground and I tried to get back up. It bit into my shoulder and I cried out. That's when all my anger and pain build up. I had a new found strength. I got up on all fours and pushed the wolf off my back. It rolled onto the ground. I saw four heads out of the curtains. I circled the wolf on all fours. I had no idea what I was doing. I was just following instincts. It leaped for me and I clawed it's face. I slammed the wolf onto the ground and got up. It looked at me and whimpered.

I couldn't believe it I picked up something the size of a grizzly bear and slammed it into the ground as if I was a wrestler. I dropped to all fours and growled at it. It wasn't finish with me not by a long shot but he knew when to end his battle and ran away tail between his legs. I ran back to the cabin and Tyler opened the door for me and I panted and stepped into the cabin. I closed the door behind me and slid down the door. I covered my face. The scent of fear rose in the room and I looked up.

Four pairs of eyes stared back at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Well you just survived an attack from something that you see in most Sci-Fi movies. We were just wondering if you were okay?" Amy asked crossing her arms.

"I'm fine, just a little sore." I said.

"Let me check your wounds. Steve look for a first aid kit." Tyler said and then walked over to me.

He got on his knees and peeled back my torn bloody shirt. I bit my lip because it really hurt.

"Just relax." he said when I tensed up.

I looked over my shoulder and saw as the cut grew over itself new skin was being formed as we spoke. Steve found a kit and handed it to Tyler.

"What about your ankle?" Steve asked as Tyler placed a bandage over the wound.

"The bite marks are already healing." I said rubbing it.

"Better?" he asked me.

"Yeah, what time is it?" I asked.

"My watch says six." Beth said.

"Six, and probably three more hours till sunset, and four hours before the full moon." I said.

"How do you know tonight's the full moon?" Steve asked.

"I have a gut feeling. We need to look for something to get us out of here ASAP." I said.

"What you mean like walkie talkies or something like that?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, if this place has any." I said.

"Even if we find them how do we know they'll work?" Tyler asked.

"Just look around until we find something." I said and got up and walked into one of the rooms.

We checked all the drawers pulling them out and dumping them. Only papers, and stale snacks hidden from overweight campers fell onto the ground.

"Nothing." Amy said.

"Just some stale snacks. All the way back to the nineties." Steve said.

"Hey here's a closet." Tyler said and pulled it open.

We looked in.

"Hey what's that?" I asked as Tyler squinted to look through the dark closet.

"I can't see anything." he said.

I leaned over him and pulled down what looked like a shoe box. My hands slipped thanks to my sore shoulder and they fell onto the ground and something else with a loud thud.

"Just more papers." Steve said.

"No wait there's something on here about the camp, it came from campers." Amy said.

"What does it say?" I asked her rubbing my shoulder.

We sat on the floor.

"This one reads: Dear future campers, This place is hell, no snacks, no video games, no TV. Worst of all my friends are going missing. That's all this paper said." she said.

"This one says: Mom and dad let me go home. I promise not to eat anymore candy bars." Steve said and laughed.

"That's not funny." Beth said quietly.

"It is to me." he said.

Tyler reached over and picked up another letter.

"This one looks kind of weird like someone wrote it quickly. It reads: Need help, camp evil, wolves killing, help us!" he said.

"Well this camper must've seen something that we've seen." Amy said looking over at the paper.

I searched for more paper and found something with a glint to it. I reached over and picked it up.

"What is it?" Tyler asked me.

I didn't hold it long enough because my flesh started to burn as I touched it. I threw it on the ground and shook my hand.

"Hot, hot, hot!" I cried and swore.

"What's wrong?" Amy asked me.

"That thing it burnt my skin. It feels like a thousand degrees." I said.

Steve cautiously picked it up I was expecting him to freak out like I did.

"It's just a piece of metal, it's not hot." he said.

Tyler took it from him.

"No wonder it's hot to Cassandra, it's silver." he said.

"Great so I'm allergic to silver?" I asked.

"It comes with being a werewolf I guess. Let's keep searching." Tyler said sticking the pendant of silver into his pocket.

We were about to get up when we heard a knock at the door. We looked at each other and then looked at the door. I hoped it was just my imagination then I heard another knock and knew for sure it wasn't.