‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby

Who In The Hell?!

His lips brushed against mine, making me freeze. I waited for pain. But it didn't come. Where was all the aggression of my first time?! Why wasn't he raping me, instead of just kissing me! Surely someone like Josh couldn't possibly change...but then again, he did deny my child drugs...I pushed my lips harder into his, feeling something I hadn't felt in Matt's kisses in forever. Love


I felt my blood boil. Who the hell did this guy think he was?! Throwing away my drugs, finally coming around for his daughter after 14 years, and is now mugging on my mother! Well I wouldn't take it. I've got to find my dad. My real dad. Matt.

I took off, running around buses and people, ignoring their screams of annoyance. I hurtled over one guy tying his shoes, looking back with a smile. Thank you track team! But I wasn't watching my landing. And I landed on someone. "Whoa, man, I'm SO sorry! I didn't mean to!" He just brushed it off. "No problem." I looked at him puzzled. "Say...don't I know you?" He shrugged maybe not personally, but I'm sure. Name's Craig[." He said, outstretching his hand. I took it, smiling. "Jonsie."