‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby

Time To Bring In The Girls

I walked off the bus, kissing Craig goodbye. Nothing really happened. Just a lot of kissing. And touching...but nothing more. God mom was going to kill me.


I sat at the kitchen table, staring at Ryan's ring. "Come on man, you've got to get over her." Zacky said, patting my back. "Easy for you to say. You were over Gwen before you even split." He rolled his eyes, answering the door. "GWEN!?" He shrieked, jumping back a little. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Yes Gwen! And River, and Phoenix!" She growled. Zacky's twin daughters followed Gwen in, looking a bit shy and angry towards their father. Phoenix looked like a dead ringer for Zacky now that she's gotten the same piercings as him.

"You!" Gwen roared, pointing to me. "Me?!" She glared hard at me. "Yes you. You dumbass! Terrible father!!!" She hit me over the head with her purse. "And don't think that's the last of it! Taylor, and Desiree are on their way!" She stormed away, flipping Zacky off before slamming the door behind her and her daughters.
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XD Go Gwen!