‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby

All Together Now

I sat in the hotel room I had rented for me and the girls, pacing around worried for my daughter's life. "Calm down!" Gwen called, throwing her shoe at me. "She's fine. If she's anything like you, she'll be perfectly ok." She smiled reassuringly. "If she's anything like me, she's getting raped, or she's already fallen in love with a complete stranger!" She rolled her eyes, patting the seat in between her and Rain. "Don't worry. When Taylor and Desiree get here, we'll go off looking for her."


I followed Ace's directions and came to a hotel room, my mom's screaming came from the one next door. Yup I'd found it. I entered the one Ace had told me about, seeing Maya, Taylor's daughter, and Bridget, Desiree's daughter. "Jonsie!" Ace said in relief. "Go next door and tell your mom you're here before she explodes!"

I knocked on the door lightly, gulping. Mom was going to kill me. The door swung open, Taylor, Gwen, Desiree, and Rain all standing behind her. "Ummmm...hi?" My mom's eyes narrowed and I was suddenly yanked into the room. They threw me in a chair and began circling me.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Gwen hissed. "We thought you were dead!" Taylor stressed. "You could have been ra-killed!" Desiree screamed. "Or worse!" Rain added. This is why none of the girls or I ever get caught. We get interrogated by all the mothers. "I'm here though. That's good right? I'm fine. Completely fine." I smiled widely, hoping to convince them. "Fine. Go hang out with the girls. I have to talk to my friends."

I was out of there in about three seconds.