‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby


I locked the door behind Anette, turning to the girls. "Guys...I saw Josh." At first they didn't seem that surprised, they probably knew about him and his band. "But that's not all...I'm thinking of...getting with him..."

"WHAT!?" Gwen hollered, all of them jumping to their feet. "Are you insane!?" Rain hissed. "He RAPED you!" Desiree reminded me. "Got you pregnant!" Taylor sobbed. I looked down. "Matt gave my baby a cigarette. Josh threw away her drugs the second he saw them." They were hesitant at this, but still seemed "on the fence" about it. "I swear to god Ryan, if he gets you pregnant or rapes you again..." Rain began.

"I'm already pregnant for Matt's child and I highly doubt I can't handle another rape. I'll be fine." I was smiling now, trying to get them to loosen up. They nodded, smiling at me. "Alright...."

"So," Desiree said, trying to lighten the mood. "Who's up for a slumber party?"