‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby


"Matt..." I moaned as he kissed down my neck. "Matt we'll be caught." I whispered, not really caring. "So?" He had a point. His hands traveled down my body, sending shivers with them. Suddenly he grabbed me. His large hands grabbed my hips, throwing me away from him. I stared at him in confusion. What was going on? "Hello sweetheart. You're mine again." Josh whispered in my ear, throwing me on the bed. I shot up, in a cold sweat. Pounds were echoing from the next door room. Well the explains the nightmare. Then a moan. Damn honeymooners. It was then when it hit me. That's Anette's room.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I screamed, running out of the room. I pounded on their door, waiting impatiently. The door swung open, a shocked Anette looking back at me. "I just heard moaning." I growled lowly, pushing past her. "Who's in here?" They all stared at me like I was crazy. "Well!?" She shrugged, pointing to the TV. There was a rated R movie going, two people "getting it on" Well that explains the moans...

I wasn't convinced. I checked the closet, under the beds, the bathroom. Nothing. Then I felt the breeze. The window. I ran over, looking around outside. Only the buses were out there, Avenged Sevenfold, Buckcherry, Escape The Fate...but no one. "Mom...you ok?" Anette asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, looking around. "Anette, if anything ever happened to you, you'd tell me, right?" She nodded, flustered. "Yea mom. Why?" I just shook my head, leaving the room. "Night girls." I sighed. "Night." They chimed back, continuing their movie.


As soon as the door was shut we all relaxed. "That was close." Bridget whispered. Maya nodded. "A little to close for my taste." Ace was completely silent as were the twins. I looked out the window, noticing the guys climbing into their bus. I smiled widely when Craig blew me a kiss. I returned it, walking back over to mine and Ace's bed.
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--Sinderella Plague