‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby

Done With You

"What the fuck!?" I screamed, causing them to jump. "I trusted you!" I cried. Josh got up, walking over to me. "Ryan, I can explain." I slapped him hard across the face. "I don't do that anymore Ryan! That was the old me!" I quoted him. He gave me a look of self pity. "I'm done with you." I hissed, taking Anette by the hand and dragging her off. "Joooooosh!" She slurred as we left.


I walked off the bus, running my hands through my hair. My short ass hair. How could I let her go? Just let her walk away like she did? "Joooooosh!" Someone slurred. I felt my blood run cold. That sounded like Anette. I shot around the corner to see my daughter being dragged away, high, Josh holding drugs in his hand. "What. The. HELL?!" I shouted, making both of them jump. "Wtf maaaan?!" Anette said drunkenly. Josh sobered up the second he saw me. "M-Matt! Hey....buddy! How's life...eh-hehe."

I narrowed my eyes at him, stalking towards him slowly. "Hey man, don't do anything drastic now. I mean,. she's not even yours..." He stuttered out, backing away. I backed him up against the bus, raising my fist. He cringed in fear as my hand collided with the bus, right beside his head. "I should have gotten rid of you years ago. But I guess it's to late." I growled, leaving him behind as I walked away. Now I'd lost my wife and daughter.
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--Sinderella Plague