‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby


I sat down in the office chair, dialing his number. "Hello?" a groggy female voice answered. "Who's this?" She sounded like a groupie and I swear if he...God I'd kill him. "I'm Candy." She giggled. My eyes narrowed. "Where's Matt." I asked through clenched teeth. "He's still sleeping. We had a busy night." My heart stopped. "WHAT!?" I thundered into the phone. "MATT FUCKING SANDERS I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME I'LL CASTRATE YOU!!!" I howled, knowing he'd hear me. "Ryan!? What the hell?!"

"Who the fuck is Candy!?" I hissed. "Wha-You mean Zack's Groupie?" All my anger drained away, replaced by something else. Embarrassment. "Zacky's groupie?" I asked timidly. He chuckled into the phone. "Look, Ryan, I know you're paranoid after Gwen found Zack with another woman, but I'd have to be insane to cheat on a woman as amazing as you." I felt a smile spread across my face involuntarily. "Really?" I asked, falling into his words. "Yes really. Now I've got to go. Rain and Brian are still asleep and-" "Wait, Rain?" He knew he let something slip that wasn't supposed to.

"Yea...she's tagged along for the tour." My eyes narrowed. "You mean like I wasn't allowed to?" I heard his gulp. "Yes?" I smiled wickedly. "Don't worry Matt. I'm not mad." He sounded really relieved. "You're not?" "No...I'm fine. But I've got to go. Your daughter got five f's on her report card." He groaned. "Damn it Anette. Ok. I'll call you later hun. I love you." I smiled despite myself. "I love you too."


I was listening to Dad's new CD, afterlife to be exact, when mom burst in, making me jump. "Jesus mom, ever heard on knocking?!" She rolled her eyes, tossing me a huge duffel bag. "Pack up. We're going to pay Dad a little visit."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh damn Ryan's pissed.

I'm being forced to go to bed. :( I'm sorry. I'll update A.S.A.P.!!! :D I love you all!!!!