‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby


It was dark when I awoke, my eye lids still shut. Voices chimed around me. Those of my friends, their parents, and mine. Then there was Dad's. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't castrate you." He snapped. Craig's voice followed. "Because I love her." I opened my eyes, seeing everyone I loved gathered around my bed. Them and The Escape The Fate boys. All but Craig who was in the door way, being chewed ut by my dad. "Daddy?" I croaked, getting everyone's attention. "She's awake! Matt!" Mom called. Craig and my dad were suddenly at the side of my bed.

"How're you feeling?" Dad asked. I groaned, feeling my head throb. "Like shit." They all smiled at me, Mom and Dad taking my hands. "I'm going to kill him." Craig whispered to himself. Dad nodded. "Me too." Everyone in the room chuckled. "Are you going to be ok?" My mother asked. I nodded, smiling. "I'm feeling better already"

"good." She smiled, kissing my forehead. Dad turned to Craig. "Behave?" Craig nodded and Dad stepped out of his way. He leaned forward kissing my forehead too. "Hey." He whispered, leaning his forehead against mine. "Hey." I said with a scratchy voice. He smiled at me, opening something in his hand. I gaped down at the ring. "Now I'm not asking you to marry me, and we're not old enough to date, so when you are old enough, will you date me?"

"YES!" I screamed, hugging him tightly. My parents were standing in the corner smiling ear to ear. Dad patted Craig on the back and winked. This was going to be the beginning of something beautiful
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