‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby


Mom came in, slamming the door behind her. Rain, Ace, and I had heard the whole thing. "Ryan, honey-" She just shook her head, walking over to the bed. She just laid down with me, turning off the lamp. It was completely silent the rest of the night.


When I woke up, Anette was gone, along with Ace. Rain was reading in bed. I groaned as I woke up, stretching out my arms. "Morning starshine." She joked, smiling over at me. I returned a small smile. "So I heard you're pregnant..." I nodded, looking away. "I didn't mean to yell...it just came out that way..." She nodded, standing up. "Well we're heading to the venue soon, you better get dressed." She said, walking into the bathroom. I pulled an outfit out of my bag, slipping it on quickly. I walked over to the mirror, putting my new snake bites in. Boy that's going to piss Matt off. Yet another thing he didn't know about.


Matt and I didn't share any words on the bus. Just sat there in silence. Anette sat across from us in the booth, staring at us on the couch. "Ok! That's it! I'm done!" She said when the bus stopped, running off when the doors opened. "She takes after you." Matt whispered, walking away with his band mates. I sighed to myself, climbing off the bus. "God life sucks."

"Ryan? Ryan Jones?"
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