‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby


My eyes widened and my throat dried up as I stared at him. "Don't you remember me?" He asked. I nodded, backing away. He sighed. "Look, Ryan, I know I was an ass in high school but-" "WHAT?! An ass hole!? Josh you raped me! You were so much more than an ass hole!" I hissed, I shook of his arm that had gotten hold of me. "Ryan, I've changed. Believe me. I was on drugs, and I would drink! I don't do that anymore. I'm so sorry for everything I did." His eyes were sincere and truthful. He wasn't lying. "Who's the wedding ring belong to?" He asked, trailing his hand down my arm to take my hand in his. "Matt."

At that he dropped my hand, backing away. "You married him?" I nodded, looking at him skeptically. "Yea, why? What's wrong with that?" He looked frightened. "He's here?!" I nodded again. "Who do you think the Avenged Sevenfold singer is?" He gulped. "I-I've got to go..." He walked off, but it looked a lot more like he wanted to run. "That was weird." The sound of my daughter's voice made me jump. "Damn it Anette! How long have you been there?" I asked. She shrugged. I never left really. Just hid from dad under the bus." She said as if it were nothing. It was then I noticed it.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I roared at the cigarette in her hand. She looked between me and the cigarette then shrugged. "Havin' a smoke." I glared at her, snatching it out of her hand. "What the hell man?!" She groaned. "Just wait till I tell your father." I snarled. She raised an eye brow. "He didn't tell you?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Tell me what?" She knew she had said something she shouldn't have. "He's the one that gave it to me....."
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RE-WRITE!!!! ANETTE (Jonsie) NEVER RAN INTO MAX!!! (all guys are still taken)


--Sinderella Plague