‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby

14 Years Old

I slammed the cigarette down on the table, making Matt, Zacky, Brian, and Jimmy all jump. "Ryan, what the-" "What the hell? I could ask you the same fucking thing!" I roared, throwing the cigarette in his face. "Wha-" He froze when he realized what I'd thrown. "So? It's justa cigarette." Jimmy said. "A cigarette he gave to my FOURTEEN year old daughter!!!"

"Look, Ryan, I know you're mad-" "MAD?! I find my fourteen year old daughter with a cigarette, then I'm mad. But to find out my husband gave it to her!?! No Matt! I'm FAR worse than just mad!" At this, the others stood and left. Good. No witnesses.

I narrowed my eyes. "I know you're not her father, and I know you don't care about her the way I do-" "Bite your fucking tongue!" I was taken back at his sudden outburst. "I love her as if she were my own!" I narrowed my eyes again. "Really?" He nodded. "Then why don't you fucking act like it! Give her love, not cigarettes!!!" He scoffed. "You smoke too." "I'm not fourteen!!!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. "Look, Matt, I'm tired of this. You act as if you aren't part of this family. And if you're going to act like it..." I slid my wedding ring off, placing it on the table in front of him. "So be it..." I walked out, his look of pure self disgust burned into my mind forever.