‹ Prequel: Buffalo Stampede
Sequel: My Little Girl

Whiskey Lullaby

Like Father, Like Daughter

I watched as mom ran off the bus, crying her lungs out. I looked inside the bus to see something I thought I'd never see. Dad crying on his knees. I backed away, filled with horror when I ran into someone. "Oh, sorry..." I trailed off when I noticed the man mom had talked to earlier. "Josh right?" He smiled and nodded. "And you are?" "Name's Jonsie my good sir. Anette Jonsie, at your service." I did a grand sweeping bow, hearing him chuckle. "Well Jonsie, how'd you like to go for a stroll?" I smiled happily, linking my arm in his.


I ran from the bus, sobbing my eyes out, ignoring anyone that watched me. Matt and I were split, and that's all there was to it. In all my pain, I remembered another problem at hand: Anette. I came to a dead stop. Josh was walking around, as well was Anette. They were bound to run into each other sooner or later. And I couldn't let that happen.


I pulled out a bag of powder, making Josh tense up at my side. "What are you doing?" He asked with a shaky voice. I scoffed. "What's it look like I'm doin?" He snatched the bag out of my hand and threw it to the ground. "Hey! What the-" "Trust me, I'm doing you a favor." He said, kicking the bag away. "ANETTE!" My mother's voice called, making both Josh and I jump. "Josh, wh-wha-" "Mom! What are you doing h-" "I'll deal with you later." She hissed, pushing me behind her. Josh's eyes were wide with fright.

"Is tha-is she...mine?" I froze at his words. What the fuck could he mean by that!? Hesitantly, my mother moved her head up and down. Nodding. "WHAT?!" I shrieked out. "What about Matt!? My father?!" I hissed father in Josh's direction. My mother grabbed me by the shoulders, turning me so that I was facing Josh. "This is your father." She said, meeting his eyes. "A better father than Matt's ever been."
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Oh shit