Sequel: Phrases Left On Paper

Serenading Sirens

Old Book Misread

November passed in a haze of cold and too much homework. I was glad to see that people got used to the idea of Alex and I together. It was much like the situation when they hated me for being friends with him. Now it was rumored that we were labeled the cutest couple of the school. I ignored it best I could, but it was hard to hide how elated I was with this title.

Everyday had already been spent with the guys prior to my and Alex's relationship. But I found myself at his house much more often than not, and late into the night. My parents were starting to set rules I had never heard uttered in our household.

A curfew I had never needed before was now set for midnight, and one on weekends. I had fought for even later on show nights with a miserable failure. My mother apparently didn't like how serious Alex and I seemed to be. When we weren't "slowing down" to the standards she had asked -and I completely ignored, deeming it unnecessary- she felt compelled to sit me down. Safe to say, I was running to my room within minutes to avoid whatever came out of her mouth after intercourse. I heavily shunned her after that.

December entered colder than I could have thought possible. The summer air had seemed to attach to me too closely this year. I found myself clinging to Alex whenever close -which was often- just to make sure I had some source of warmth. These actions had my mother in another wave of talks. Again, I ignored each voiced word after anything that sounded remotely like sex.

Currently, Zack and I sat at the bowling alley. The place was packed more than I had seen it in the months I'd been working there. We were sitting at the snack bar, trying to act invisible seeing as how it was the only area not occupied. Zack was laughing at the old man stalking away, thinking that no one was placed at the bar to give him his diet soda that he was mumbling about. I hit Zack, trying to stifle my own giggling while I told him we should have helped the man. He only tried to persuade me to go to the other side of the bar so we could act out what would have happened if one of us had helped out the old man.

"You know, making fun of our elders doesn't get you far in life," a voice scolded from behind us.

I was faster to spin on the stool, turning to meet Rian's forced-stern gaze he was casting upon Zack and I. I scoffed. "Because you're so nice when you hand out ice cream," I shot back playfully.

Rian sat on the other side of Zack, reaching over the counter to help himself to the fries I had already made for him and Jack. I opened my mouth to ask him something, but there was no need. Alex's arms were around my waist within a few seconds and he spun me around again to connect our lips. My body reacted before I had much time to think about it. I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep him there and let out a contented sigh. This was how it had been for the past few weeks. Alex had forgotten my bout of anger with that phone call and I couldn't have been more thankful.

When we finally pulled away from each other, the other two were talking and ignoring us. The resonant sound of bowling balls hitting the lanes flooded my ears again as well as the high buzz of all the chatter. Alex didn't bother to sit next to me but resumed his standing position with his arms around my waist and his head nuzzled between my neck and shoulder. Rian and Zack seemed to notice our break and were quick to include us in their established conversation.

I, however, paid little attention. I was waiting for the fifth addition to our group. Jack should have come with Alex and Rian, just like every other Friday since the beginning of this friendship. After my freak out, he had forgiven me easily and we spent almost as much time together as Alex and I. When I was at the bowling alley and Alex was unable to come for some reason, Jack would come in to keep me company over Zack and tell me how glad he was to not have to work under Rian's thumb that day. He had been efficient in taking the best friend spot in the case.

The past week though, I hadn't seen much of him at all. He even managed to find excuses to avoid me in the classes we shared. It was hard to admit it aloud, but I was extremely hurt by this. Without Jack's inappropriate words and actions, I almost felt empty. If Alex wasn't there to distract me so easily, I more than likely would have been unsettled constantly. I had never lost a friend, and I didn't want one to start pulling away at such a rapturous time in my life.

At last, I broke from my almost somber thoughts to ask where Jack was. The conversation that had went on without me stopped abruptly. The guys exchanged looks between each other, seeming rather reluctant to answer my question. "What?" I demanded, just short of slamming my fist on the counter.

Rian was the one to answer. "He didn't want to come," he told me, avoiding my gaze.

"Why is that such a big deal?" I asked. They were acting as if I might explode at this news.

Again, they took the time to silently communicate. I could feel Alex shaking his head where it was still placed on my left shoulder. Whatever he was telling them not to do Zack went ahead and disobeyed.

"It's because of you," he blurted out. He had the greatest look of discomfort on his face.

Slowly, my eyes grew wide to bulge like a fly's. My jaw may have dropped too, but I was so close to screaming that I didn't notice. "What did I do?" I said so low in an attempt to not yell that I didn't think any of them heard me.

Alex finally let go of me and made his way to stand in front of me. He let out an exasperated sigh, which had me questioning again. "He just doesn't seem to want to be around you right now," he replied, hastily now. His face showed all the remorse for Jack's actions. "He won't tell anyone why though."

I stood quickly, stomping my foot on the ground. It was just short of crushing Alex's own foot. I had meant to exclaim that this was ridiculous, but I found it caught in my throat. I ran off before the guys could see the tears that were bound to come.

There was no expectation in my mind that any of them would follow me. As I sat in the bathroom stall though, trying hard to halt my crying as long as possible, I spotted the red and white Nikes from under the door. Alex tapped his fingers gently on the metal, only loud enough to let me hear. He took my following sniffle as an okay to enter. He knelt down, for once being shorter than me while I sat on the gross public toilet.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, taking my hand and pressing his lips to it gently.

Trying hard to smile through my anguish, I could feel the first tears escape my eyelids. "It's not your fault," I confirmed after pulling my hand back and covering my face with both. Alex still pat my knee to comfort me, eventually standing again and enveloping me in an embrace. "I don't even know why I'm so upset," I admitted, while dropping my hands and looking him in the eye. My salt-watery dark blues met his chocolate brown depths and I couldn't hold myself back.

All but throwing myself at this boy, I pushed my lips to his with as much force as I could muster. Alex didn't register this at first, seeming completely shocked at my change. Once he did, he was just as enthusiastic in our kiss. It was several minutes before we decided it was best to pull away so as not to get caught making out in the lady's room. Our breathing was ragged as we, once again, stared at each other.

Suddenly, I felt like I had to get something out. The one thing that had overcome my mind before I found out that Jack was angry with me for no reason. It may have been because of this situation I felt so compelled to get the former finally out in the open. It might have just been because I had finally made my decision silently. But I definitely couldn't keep it in any longer.

"I love you, Alex," I whispered. It was almost embarrassing for me, letting this emotion get the best of me. So I hid my face again in his shoulder.

Just like everything else, I fell too fast. I had spent the past three and a half months getting to know the boy I was currently clinging to. I felt I had wasted the months hating him and his attempts to get me to speak to him. Maybe my words would have been more appropriate if I hadn't.

It was silent for what seemed like hours. All the sounds from outside the bathroom drifted to us and seemed amplified through my ears. I was sure I had even heard someone enter. But they were quick to leave after noticing two pairs of feet, as not to interrupt whatever we were doing.

It was shortly after this that Alex finally made a sound. "I love you, too," he replied, pushing me away from his chest so he could look at me. He then let out a small chuckle. "That's such a weird thing for me to say."

I didn't hesitate to laugh along with him. There was no doubt how weird he felt saying it. I had already been well informed of his past girlfriends. "Well," I began, the both of us still giggling," at least I know you mean it."

Alex's laughing faded, but he still smiled wide. "I really do, Clarke." He leaned down to kiss me once more, briefly. "Come on. Let's go tell the guys." And he took my hand to pull me from the restroom.


So I had gotten it out, and it seemed that it was one of those things that everyone knew again. I wasn't sure how much I enjoyed the spotlight on me. I was sure that Zack and Rian had more to do with it though than just the connection fame I was receiving. But until something bad happened, I didn't completely hate the attention.

Just like expected, Jack didn't get a hold of me all weekend. Whatever his petty vendetta against me, it was still going strong apparently. He neglected to answer his phone when I called to talk, and gave me the cold shoulder when he actually did join the rest of us for early morning breakfast on Friday. Frustrating as it was, I decided it was for him to repair. I wasn't going to put forth effort for something I didn't do.

That was my attitude until I talked to Hadley.

Like usual, I was expressing all of my anger to her. She sat and listened calmly, waiting until the end to share her own thoughts. I felt I had once taken granted of the fact that she was such a great listener.

"I don't think you should just give up," Hadley told me firmly. There was something about her tone that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Why not?" I demanded. Now it seemed deeming to take her for granted. Had she not paid attention at all?

It took her a few seconds to reply. "I- I can't say," she stuttered. "Jack would kill me."

I choked on my own saliva at these words. "You two have been talking?" I squeaked. Both of them had failed to mention this to me. It was almost forcing me to conclude I was being betrayed.

Hadley took her time, making me think she was nodding in fear of answering vocally. "Since Halloween," she managed out eventually. "I don't know. I really liked him at first. But once we got to talking, he became an awesome friend instead."

My eyes seemed dysfunctional now. They blinked ten times more than normal each minute. Possibly trying to make me picture the discussions that may have happened between my two best friends. "So..." The words were still forming even as they rolled off my tongue. "You had a thing for Jack, and he for you. Yet, you've both not told me about it. And you continued to talk even after the feelings changed, again not confiding in me. But obviously, many times, the conversations have been about me!" Everything was still so unfathomable to me. I just hoped to get to the bottom of it.

Hadley sighed deeply. Now I was angry because, to me, it seemed that she was considering this harder for her. "Clarke, you've been my best friend for years," she told me, her tone now completely different. "And it's for that reason, and because I think you should know all your options, that I'm going to tell you this."

"Get on with it!" I exclaimed when she hesitated yet again. This suspense was going to be the death of me.

Another sigh reached my ears through the receiver. Then the words closely followed. "Jack is pretty sure he's in love with you."