Broken Wings...


"M-mother?" She nodded. "What's your name darling?" I struggled for words. "I-I don't have one." I answered, backing away to my bed. She cocked her head at me. "Don't have a name? That simply won't do! We need to think of one! And fast!" She studied me thoroughly, staring me down for a good five minutes. I was quite uncomfortable. "I've got it!" I jumped slightly as she broke the heavy silence. "Ariel!" I cocked my head. "It's Hybrid for Beautiful." She beamed proudly.

I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off when a beautiful blond woman walked in, her eyes glittering excitedly. "So this is who Johnny won't shut up about." She giggled, putting her hands on her hips. She was quite tall. Well, taller than Gabrielle and I. Gabrielle smiled brightly. "This is Ariel." She said proudly, wrapping her arm around the other woman's shoulders. "Hello Ariel. I'm Sunday. I'm Zacky's sister." She held out her hand. I just looked at it expectantly. "Oh that's right, you lived as a slave your whole life. You shake it." She said sweetly, moving her hand up and down slowly.

I ook it in my hand, shaking it around like a soda can the master once threw at me. She giggled musically, her voice carrying through out the whole room. It seemed to make glass shake. SHe shook her head, taking my hand and showing the the proper way to do it. I smiled triumphantly, but only for a second, before I gathered my blank look again. She pursed her lips. "Has she met the girls yet?" Gabrielle got a deer in the head lights look. "No! Oh my goodness! No!" She covered her mouth.

"Come," Sunday said, suddenly at my side. "You need to meet our sisters." I cocked an eye brow. "Our friends." She clarified. I nodded, hopping out of the bed to follow them.
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I'M BACK!!!! if you want any other story updated, message me which one you want and I'll get right on it. :)

--Sinderella Plague